This game and Arkham Asylum

First I want to say that I immensely loved both these games but I think its worth while to look at them together because they are very similar in some ways (Eagle Vision=detective mode) but I feel they can learn from each other. I say this primarily because when i started to play AC2 I found myself using the controls from Batman (which is only slightly incorrect) then I realized how similar they are.

I think the imminent sequels of both games could benifit from borrowing a page put of the other's book.

Firstly, the free-running is much better in AC2, but it's more of a gameplay mechanic than it is in AA. That said if the next AA game could have the amount of climbability and interactivity that AC2 has, in an outdoor Gotham setting (which it seems at least part of the sequel will be set in, than that would be awesome. I mean all the viewpoints and roof-hopping in AC2 (and 1 for that matter) make me think of Batman and if there was one problem with AA it was that there was not much of that.

speaking of which here's something the next AC game needs: a grappling hook! Seriously add in the interactivity of the city's surface and the ability to grapple, put that in both sequels, who cares if it makes two similar games, that would be awesome!

Theres a couple things that AA does that AC should borrow. For one, the assassin needs to be able to crouch and use wall cover. I really thought that hiding out of the line of sight should have been more than blending or being above or behind enemies. Also, AA's combat is unique but similar to AC's and AC's combat system seems a little broken. It doesn't need to steal the combo type combat, but the countering with added modifiers like AA might make the combat smoother.

Both sequels need to use lighting as a means of cover, especially batman. Darkness should play a factor in stealth.
Overall both the games were sweet, and I'm looking forward to the sequels for both.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


the ability to climb up buildings with a cape to glide back down them would be so sick in the next AA.

Can't keep me off this escalator!
