MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed II (2009) Discussion > I found myself unable to enjoy this game...

I found myself unable to enjoy this game as much because of Ezio.

Let me begin by saying I enjoyed the game very much, and it was a vast improvement of the first games repetitiveness. However the one part of the game that I could not get into was the main character.

I get the whole revenge story, and I like it, it makes sense and continues to move the overall AC plot along nicely. However I just could not buy Ezio as an assassin, this was probably because of the fact that he was so kind hearted, and such a nice guy over all.

I'd like to think that if you're out for revenge and ending the lives of others, you'd be a tad bitter and cynical, maybe this is just me.

I thought Altair was a fantastic character and a great assassin, he was raised to be an assassin, it was what he was made to do. His character, although arrogant, made me think to myself "Man, this guy IS an assassin, and he's also a bada*s" Ezio didn't make me say this to myself.

Perhaps it is because the game (AC2) constantly reminded me of how great of an assassin Altair was/became, and how he had such a huge influence on assassins to come, as well as the final codex page hinting he may still be alive. (I know this isn't likely, but it would be awesome.)

Don't get me wrong, I like the character Ezio, I do. However as the game progressed, I just couldn't get into it as much because of him, did anyone else have this problem, or was it just me?

Altair>Ezio. End of story, I challenge you to argue differently.



indeed. He was kind hearted but only to his own people, his family and the factions that were on his side (or at least that's how I saw it)
I think he did show a lot of bitterness and anger when he killed Borgia. I remember his words ("I thought I was beyond this, but I'm not"), right after he stabbed him with the blade, made me sad because he was still bitter and fumed with hatred.

I had my concerns that ezio won't be as half as an assassin altair was. But I'm glad I was proven wrong. The way the game builds up and the way ezio's character changes, make you see that he might not have been born an assassin, but he turned to be a good one.

I'm not a troll, I'm an Undead Priest


IMO a cold and bitter assassin may forget why the Assassins are doing what they do -- bringing peace, as oxymoronic as it sounds. You do have to harden yourself against pain and loss and the fact that you're taking human life, but that doesn't mean you can't be kind and respectful at the same time.

Personally, I couldn't really empathize with Altair as a character (due to the lack of backstory as someone pointed out). Also, as cool as he was, a carbon copy of Altair would not have been satisfying. I also think that when you're doing something like assassinating people, THAT'S when it's most important to hold on to kindness and other similar characteristics.

Not to say that I think Ubi's build of Ezio as a character was perfect.

Just my opinion though.

Natural laws are overrated


Ezio to me was a better character then Altair, Altair was great too but we know little about him.

Other reason being why Altair and Ezio differ because Ezio was a people's person and being a noble he dealt with the luxuries Altair did not have , as Patrice Deseleits says in an interview Altair was a warrior monk an Assassin meaning Altair did not deal with people on the outside world in such a way Ezio did before becoming an Assasassin.

I think Ezio should have killed Borgia, that was disappointing that Ezio let him live, When it was he who did alot of evil dirty ish, He was way more evil then Robert de Sable, Robert was'nt really that evil he just wanted to end the Crusades.


Ezio first started off his killing with anger and revenge. Then it seemed like it kind of became a duty for him like Altair. Altair could not live with emotion. His job didn't ask for it. His problem was arrogance as stated in the game. If you read all the codex pages which is like a journal Altair kept you find out that he found out how to become what Ezio was and realized that the person he considered a father betrayed him. That was Altair's flaw. He did what he was told to try to win back respect from a person he should have killed and only noticed it too late. It wasn't that all the people Altair killed weren't bad. They were. But the problem was that the only reason they were being killed was of greed of Al Mulasim, not for the things they actually did. That was what Altair figured out and he hints at this in the codex pages. We saw what Altair saw and didn't see the truth til it was over. Ezio was a nomad, a wanderer of a sort. He was still a child. He had to grow up rather quickly, and that just sucks. I thought it was better to make the story personal instead of a duty like it was in the first game.

It also made it to where Ezio can't come back as he chose to stop being an assassin at the end of the game.

Also for the people that found him not believable as an assassin because he was such a nice guy. That instantly reminded me of a Mark Wahlberg film called The Big Hit.

The best thing about the movie was that even though Mark was playing a hit man he kept the nice guy persona throughout the entire film. It was priceless. Hit men are modern day assassins. Really so it is possible to be a nice guy and be an assassin.


A nomad??


i know i know not the right word. I couldn't find the right word.
