Do I need to Play AC1?

I started with AC2, and I don't fully understand what's going on in the future. Do these games have a continuous storyline?

These are for you McNulty!


Yes they do..big time...anybody who tells you you don't need to play the first one you shouldn't listen to. The games are all part of one large picture and story. The first game sets everything up and throughout the game you learn whats going on through conversations and reading the e-mails in the lab and uncover the reason why you are there in the first place. The 2nd game picks up only minutes after the first game ended and answers questions that were raised in the first game.

But AC 1 isn't nearly as good as AC 2 in terms of gameplay. the game gets very repetitive and for those not patient enough, old quickly. The 2nd game fixes this problem on all levels.



It helps if you play it as it gives you an understanding of character and what is going on. But the storyline for AC1 goes like this, Desmond miles also known as subject 17, has been kidnapped by a company called abstergo, which is an under cover company run by Templars. You connect through Desmond to one of his descendents, his name is Altair, this ancestor is around the crusade period,as you go through the game you meet a woman called Lucy who you find out she is a spy for the assassins and Desmond's family are assassins which he ran away from cause he felt like his life was out of control.

Altair = he has to kill 9 Templars to protect this treasure which is called a piece of Eden (apple), he finds out towards the end of the game, the leader of Assassins was actually a Templar and he kills him, Desmond was being used for a map which Abstergo gains at the end of the game.

If you need to learn more check this website Out:'s_Creed

AC2 you still play as desmond, just you go forward in ancesters to an italian called Ezio, who at the end of the game find out that theres a bigger problem than the templars but I dont wish to spoil it for you unless you want to know.





Personally, I think you don't need to play the first one.
But... you should, it's worth it!

What keeps you up nights, Mr. Dillinger?
