Solutions to political voting?

No doubt we'll get the usual moaning about people not voting for the British entry due to anti-British feelings in other European countries... As Britain hasn't entered a half-way decent song for years, it's hard tell if that's really true or not. But, the blatantly political voting really is beyond a joke... Would splitting the decision between the televote and a genuinely impartial panel of experts make any difference..? How else could politics be removed from the voting process?

I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.


Maybe the countries can only offer the early pts stage (1-7?/half) for their neighbours & only the large amount of pts for other countres who are a certain distance away from them. I know that doesn't seem fair if their neighbours have a very decent song entry, but that's the only solution I can come up with to solve this bias voting situation.

Kings of Europe 2008 - Manchester United


That's an idea. At the moment is that what we i Sweden use to "crown" our winner, there is are som jurygroups a belive 12 and the viewers are giving the same amount of points that the jury groups do so in the end you can't say for sure whos gonna win. But I have an other idea how you can avoid the political voting and mt idea is that the only contries that are allowed to vote are the countries that are competing in the final.

I'm head over heels, goddess of mine
