Hot Skull

I watched this a few weeks ago.

Interesting show and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great performances and decent plot. Not a completely original take but a unique perspective in regards to a dystopian future with a rare disease.

I was hoping for a second season; unfortunately, this is just another show that has been canceled.

Another disposable series.


That's a real shame as the ending was clearly set up for a second series. I had quite a lot of unanswered questions, such as, how actually is the disease spread? It seemed to be through some sort of sound frequency in the voice, but this was not made clear. Also, what level of intelligence/ability did the infected have? They seemed to have some basic level of concern for others and were able to recognise other humans, but could they feed themselves etc? If not, who was looking after them in the unsupervised zones? How many stages of the disease are there? They said stage six was rare, but what happens to the others? Death? We saw one or two infected with their mouths stitched up. How could they survive more than a day or so?
