MovieChat Forums > Fitna (2008) Discussion > Truth mixed with lies...

Truth mixed with lies...

While this borders on hate literature against Muslims and Islam in its presentation, it still conveys an important message of intolerance on the part of Islamic extremists. Any idea taken to the extreme in my books, is a dangerous, unhealthy and destructive idea. Islam is simply an idea, conveyed by a text (the Quran) and by prayer and public teachings.

Its my personal opinion that no idea should ever be taken to the extreme, such that it results in an action that causes the loss of life or personal safety of any individual or group. This is the message we must take from Fitna.

I agree with the core principal that religious extremism should never be allowed to permeate within a free society, precisely because it does not accept those who disagree with its ideas and values, and thus aims to destroy personal freedoms in the name of a god who has nothing more than a different name and more vengeful hand than any other religion's god.

I am friends with several good Muslim people, and what makes them good is their ability to understand people's differences. They are tolerant of the fact that I am not Muslim, they do not try to convert me, or kill me for that matter.
I have also known closed-minded, seemingly brain-washed people who hated me because of my race, lack of religious beliefs.

I believe fundamentally, all people are good, but that bad ideas permeate quickly under extremist conditions. This causes an exponential effect which requires deceit and violence to control. This is precisely what the movie does a good job of describing, but a poor job of properly labeling.

FITNA made me think, and for this it succeeds, however it should take much greater care to present both points of view, from those who are under the "control" of extremist Islam, and also from those who live freely and still continue to follow Islam in their own way, PEACEFULLY. These are the world's true Muslims and they do not deserve to be categorized or stereotyped in this manner. I hope the planned sequel to this short film will take this into consideration.

In any case, it is a harsh set of propaganda, yet a reminder that extremist religion is an incredibly destructive enemy to humanity's peace, prosperity and mutual understanding.


depending on who you ask, there are those who consider islam itself an extremist view. so maybe its the moderate muslims who are nice and dont kill non-believers are the ones who dont understand the true islam, but the ones who fight so that only islam stands are the ones who really understand



im also wondering what the 'Lies' were that the OP refered to.
most of the film was merely footage of muslims behaving at their worst juxtaposed with verses of the Koran that incite/call for such behaviour.

the worst that can be levelled at this film is the conclusions it draws at the end are a worst case scenario, but frankly, its a scenario that cannot be discounted at all.
