MovieChat Forums > Fitna (2008) Discussion > All religions are just fantasy + fairyta...

All religions are just fantasy + fairytales.

All religions are just fantasy & fairytales. They are just fictional stories written in times when there were no Police to prevent murder and robbery etc. People were scared into thinking they would go to hell for their sins.

A world without religion would be a world in Peace. Religion only brings hatred, racism, destruction, segregation, war and death.


Yeah . . .

So all the secularised countries, where religion has been sidelined in favour of business and politics are perfect, aren't they?

And to be honest, I can think of many other reasons which take precedence over religion as reasons for the problems in the world. Politics, for example. Or money. The world wars weren't fought because of religion, because they were Christian countries fighting Christian countries. Religion didn't play a part in Vietnam, or the Falklands, or Bosnia, or Iraq. It was all money and politics.

Last film(s) seen:
There Will Be Blood 8.0


No where in my passage does it say that all wars are brought about by religion. I am British and have to say that throughout history the British Empire spread in order to gain resources such as gold, gems etc. You could say that's the reason there is trouble in the Middle East now. Fighting over oil. The British did spread and also try to impose Christianity on others.

Religion though does play a big part in War. Both George Bush and Tony Blair both have quoted that they have God on their side. Even Iraqi citizens are fighting each other in the name of religion.

Christian and Muslims have fought for centuries.
Conflicts in Northern Ireland in the name of religion.
Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia.
Jews fighting the Palestinian Muslims.
Conflicts with Buddhists in Southern Thailand.

I'm sure there are more examples out there.

Back to my original point. Religion is just total fantasy. If all the people from all religions in the world all prayed at the same time and asked their God to show themselves for one day it would never happen.

Until someone can prove to me that there is a god then that's the way I will always be. For those people who want to waste time believing in something false then good luck. I wish you well.


Hey I'm not a big believer in God either but I won't go as far as to so its complete nonsense.

I believe its impossible to know whether there is a God or not. If you can prove to me there is absolutely no chance of there being a God then I'll move from agnostic to atheist. But in reality that is impossible to do. The best you can due is try to debunk all the major religions by finding the faults in Christianity and Islam etc but who says the true God HAS to be from these religions. For all we know he could be real cruel bastard who actually wants us to do more harm than good. Maybe its one of those "kill everybody" kinda cults that have it right.

The bottom line is there is as much chance of proving there is no God as there is of proving there is one. And if either side tries to call the other one stupid and challenges them to prove it they can be met with the same comeback.


Thats a fair argument. No one can say either way. So to devote your whole life to something that cant be proven either way just seem odd to me.

I just wish people would just be at peace with the world and be happy. I've only briefly read the bible when it was forced upon me at school. Even as a child I thought the stories were just too ridiculous to be true. They make no common sense at all. I've never read the Koran, but would guess it again contains contradictions and irrational thinking.

I just try to live my life as a good man. I was brought up not to do to others, what I would not want done to myself.


Just curious- are you an American? Or are you Thai? Or both?

I'm an agnostic although I was brought up Catholic. I considered myself very devout at one time but, to tell the truth, I had serious doubts about it even as a small child.

I believe in belief, though- I consider myself a cultural Catholic, don't mind anyone else having religious beliefs and am still totally fascinated by world religions from Hinduism to Islam to Christianity.


Hey. coolie - I hope none of your islamic brethren hears you declaring your agnosticism - if he cuts your head off for heresy he can get himself a place in paradise, you know, with all those cool fountains and 72 virgins and all that good stuff. And you, why you'll just be lying there in two pieces, won't you??.


He'll still feel cheated if he'd get 72 grapes when so much more had been preached upon him. And I've never understood why we would believe that god be offended by people not acknowledging him. Quite insulting to think about the most powerful being like that


that is your opinion
because you choose to view the negative.

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard


It's not being negative. I'm just being realistic. I think it's ok to be peacefull and kind. I wish the world could be like that. To say though that god will save us, whether christian or muslim is just a fantasy that people wish to be true. If you are born into one or the other you will believe that there is a god. People only believe in what they are told. Otherwise people from the middle east would believe in Christianity and people from europe may believe in Islam or vis-versa So if there was one god then the whole world would believe in one. We are just told as children. Its just a story. Not real, just get over it.

I just wish that people would forget god and just live their lives in a positive loving way.

When I die and discover whether or not there is a god, do you think god will say to me you are a none believer and you are not welcome.

I think you should not tie yourself down and just be good. If there is a god I'm sure he would respect that.

If god did exist he / she / it would have shown theirselves by now. How bad does the world have to get before god appears.


You do realize you are being just as fundamental about the non-existence of God as some are about his existence? If you say you are absolutely sure there is no God, then I say: prove it. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to attack you, but it is simply a fact that we don't know either way.

But like I wrote to you before: religion hasn't just brought a lot of bad things. Religion and law are closely connected, as I explained to you before. Religion and the shaping of cultures as well. You have a typical 21th century view on religion. Not to be disrespecting, but you should really read a couple of history books. Try and see how religion and the separation from Rome have shaped your British culture, for example?


I would not say I was fundamental. I think people should be free to spend their time in whatever way they want so long as it does not bother others.

People are either born into religion or influenced by someone. If a baby was put on a desert island with nothing to provoke its thoughts. It would never think of anything or come up with any original thought as there is simply nothing there to influence it.

That's why in India they believe in their gods, in the West we believe in our Gods and in Arabian countries they believe in theirs.

I understand why people would say, well prove there is not a God. the simple answer is I can't. No one knows how the universe was created. If God created the universe, then who created God. No one knows.

I just think to believe in The Bible or the Koran and believe these books as fact is just so wrong.


Not a single person has ever been killed or oppressed in the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Not a one.


GordonReade - That probably sums up what I'm trying to say. Thanks! :-)


That is, of course, as one-sided as can be. Nobody has been killed in the name of my fridge either. And although I appreciate the efforts of the Church of the FSM, it only serves to show that there probably is no god. It doesn't tell us anyhting about the need for religion or the historical or cultural impact it has made. And Scott: it is very easy to tell yourself your right if you refuse to enter into a debate with one who disagrees with you.

I also don't think you are realistic, as you say yourself. I think you are a wishful thinker. If you were realistic, you'd understand that people simply need something to believe in. If not a god or a career, then the fact that their mommies love them or that there has to be a purpose to life.


I appreciate the efforts of the Church of the FSM, it only serves to show that there probably is no god. It doesn't tell us anyhting about the need for religion or the historical or cultural impact it has made.

Your lack of respect for my religion is only too apparent. But even so I bear you no ill will. I will not take any negative action, I will not harm you in any way. However I hope you like your beer stale because that's what you'll be drinking in the here after.


I don't like beer at all...


Not a single person has ever been killed or oppressed in the name of Atheism,maybe "Communism",stalinism,maoism,democracy but not Atheism :)


All religious people are deluded. We are at an early stage of evolution and "relusion" is a key player in the society development. Soon it will pass as humans progress in their existence; and societies of the future will study the modern beliefs with a smirk on their faces just as we do when we study ancient Greece, Zeus and the world on three whales.

BTW Reluded people don't know that they are reluded, that is the whole point. There is no point of arguing with them. But their generation will soon die out along with their religions. In about two or three generations just some less developed countries will suffer from an early evolutionary mechanism called relusion. It is very unfortunate that I probably won't be living then. Just a few decades of modern world, just about 20 years of modern computers and modern science... Give it time people, humanity is so young. Yet just over a generation Europe became 40% less religious. In another 100 years exponentially this percentage will tend to a zero. Let reluded be. When somebody believes something so dearly they will never open their eyes...


"Give it time people, humanity is so young. Yet just over a generation Europe became 40% less religious. In another 100 years exponentially this percentage will tend to a zero. Let reluded be. When somebody believes something so dearly they will never open their eyes... "

youre right in a sense arthur
but there is a new sense of urgency given humanities ability to destroy itself with 21st century weapons. Given Islam (and mcu of christianty) can be considered a "death cult", i dont share your optimism re just waiting it out.

The Islamic world is amongst the more uneducated on the planet (and often fiercly proud of this):

"According to the United Nations’ Arab Human Development Reports, less than 2% of Arabs have access to the Internet. Arabs represent 5% of the world’s population and yet produce only 1% of the world’s books, most of them religious. In fact, Spain translates more books into Spanish each year than the entire Arab world has translated into Arabic since the ninth century."

cross that with this:
A recent poll showed that thirty-six percent of British Muslims (ages 16-24) believe that a person should be killed for leaving the faith. Sixty-eight percent of British Muslims feel that their neighbors who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted. The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favour of a worldwide caliphate. A Dutch study reported that half of Dutch Muslims admit they “understand” the 9/11 attacks.

and you begin to understand what kind of mammoth problem we are staring at, and why Geert Wilders feels the need to wake a few people up!


Carlsberg don't do arguments.. but if they did.. they'd probably be the best arguments in the world.

Well said Scott: 'fantasy & fairy tales' - spot on.


Yeah... because we all know how Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler were such dedicated religious people.

Some of the worst killing in the last century was done in the name of humanism and not any religion. The common factor is not religion. The common factor is humanity. We are all flawed creatures. We will try to justify evil in any way we can. If religion is convenient we will use it. How about the utopia? Sure, why not? This all should be acceptable to you since only the strong should survive -- read The Descent of Man.


Yes, Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler were proved to be wrong are are now no longer with us. Soon religion with be proved to be wrong too.


Pretty sure Hitler was a Catholic and based the Holocaust on Catholic principles in Mein Keimpf. And Stalin is a foolish mention since his views were shaped so heavily by religion, especially when you look at when he turned against it - in a seminary while he was training to become a clergyman. Nevermind you laughable definition of "humanism."

Those are just the facts, though, religious people aren't really fans of those things.


OP: Agreed.

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