Karaoke song?

do u know title of this song from big party karaoke in the barn?


Well, the song is Unconditional by Sang-Chul Park. In Korean, 무조건 by 박상철.

If I translate some of the lyrics, it' goes something like this..
'My love for you is unconditional... Whenever you need me, I'll be there for you... I will cross the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean if you want me to...'

It's pretty cheesy.. I know.
But the song has been pretty popular among Koreans usually over 30 years old.
Because the song is oriented toward older generations of Koreans, I don't think you can't find anymore information about the song and the singer in Internet in English.

Songs like this are labelled as 'Trot' by Koreans. And it's heavilly influenced by Japanese adult-oriented pop music genre 'Enka'. Well, if you want, you can check the wiki page below for more information.
