MovieChat Forums > The Godfather II (2009) Discussion > Not Pacino As The Voice Of Don Michael C...

Not Pacino As The Voice Of Don Michael Corleone?

Why not? Robert Duvall is a big name too so dont tell me hes too big a name to put in the game. If they get the original Tom Hagen, why not the original Michael Corleone. What a freakin bust! Still, I will buy this game when it comes out just CUZ it's the godfather and I love the first one very much and how it worked around the original first movie plot. I still see no point as to not put Al Pacino in the voice. Why not spend a little extra or if that's the case, then use Pacino instead of Duvall (Even though I got mad love for him too. Hagen is tied for my first favorite character next to michael actaully) cuz he is the main guy. Eh, whatever.....


Ehh I personally think that Duvall is not so big star as Pacino is. To hire pacino EA would spent probably millions of their budget, also comparing that Duvall is not young any more and voice roles for him seems to be better!


Pacino is a sell out now.

In here, having some BOOTY was more important than drinking water man.


Pacino smoker voice wouldn't fit into the series. maybe Godfather 3 he can do.


Well I know that the reason he wasn't used in the first game was because Pacino was already signed to a contract with the makers of the Scarface game that prevented him from using his voice or likeness in any other games. So either that still holds or they decided since they didn't use him in the first one they wouldn't bother to put him in the second one even if he was available now. That may be the case cause I notice under Pacino's filmography he's got a video game coming out for another movie of his Heat so I don't think he'd be able to do that if the Scarface contract was still valid.

I kind of wish EA would have approached him before whoever made the Scarface game. That game was good, but they didn't utilize Pacino the way they should of. They used his likeness but not his voice. No doubt if he had signed on to The Godfather game first they would have used his voice even though it has changed so drastically over the years. I mean if you get Pacino USE HIM.


to answer your question its probably because he's already working on the Heat video game with Bobby D - just check Al's page on here



Yeah, EA dropped the ball by not getting Pacino to do the voice work. Michael is the central figure of the movies, and yes, in the game he's not (it's your character who is) but it's less of a Godfather game without Al.

Now EA has enough time before part III comes out, if they plan on it. Please sign Andy Garcia to do the voice work for Vincent.



Because Pacino doesn't have the same voice anymore, that's why.

"Don't cry, it is to be. In time, I'll take away your miseries and make 'em mine...D'Evils."


At first I was disappointed when I played the first Godfather and they didn't have Pachino's voice, but then realized how completely different he sounds now, and it wouldn't sound right unless they took it straight from the movie.


I just don't understand how they weren't able to use his likeness. Using another voice is understandable because it has changed so much in the last thirty years, but he plays Michael Corleone in the movies! They had permission from Paramount, shouldn't that have been enough? The likenesses of the characters used in Godfather II are the sole properties of Paramount! And the actors knew this when they signed their contracts. So, why are we deprived of a Michael that at least LOOKS like Pacino? Plus, it's not like Pacino is in such high demand in this day and age!

"Just because you ARE a character, doesn't mean you HAVE character."
-Winston Wolf


The likenesses of the characters used in Godfather II are the sole properties of Paramount!

No they are not.
If an actor's likeness is used without the actor's permision...they can be trouble.
See the BttF II lawsuit when Crispin Glover did not return, but they used clips of him from the first film that he did not give permsion of. A lawsuit he won.

Or even an example closer to home. The first game was delayed due to EA using Brando's likeness without asking permission from Brando's estate (as he died while they were making the game). There was all sorts of back and fourth between EA and the Brando family to get it cleared.

The character themselves may be "owned" by a compnmay...but not the likeness of the actor.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Pacino didn't give the voice for Michael Corleone in any of The Godfather games. Not even for Tony Montana in the Scarface game, he had André Sogliuzzo do the voice of Tony and he did an AMAZING job and he sounded just like Al Pacino.

Revolver Ocelot - "Your Pretty Good" (Metal Gear Solid 3)



If they get the original Tom Hagen, why not the original Michael Corleone.

Did you hear Bob in this game?
He was terrible, sorry but he was. He sounded NOTHING like the character he was playing from the film. I didn't even realize it was Bob until I read the credits, I thought it was someone doing a bad take on him.

The reason Pacino did lend his voice was due to the fact he souns nothing like Mikey anymore(too much smoking?)...and it was a wise idea to recast.
See the Scarface game from a few years back, again Pacino didn't lend his voice.

I'd rather they recast than have the original actor do a bad Bob with Hagen.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.
