Wife was a Bitch

Before anything even happens, before he is even approached by Lisa, she bitches him out, because he has a female temp as his replacement secretary. So, not only is she jealous simply because he works with a women, she's only a temp for Christ's sake! Most likely she would be gone within a few days or so. What kind of a relationship is that when she won't even trust him to work with women? Then when she meets the girl, who at this point has done nothing still, she is extremely rude and threateningly tells her husband that she better be gone for his sake. What a bitch. While I didn't care for the movie at all, I found myself hating Beyonce far more than the crazy girl.


I couldn't stand either of them... They both should have died off. I'm sorry but Beyonce can't act for $hit.


I know Beyonce can't act for *beep* but the character is so poorly written and unlikeble that even if they had a decent actress it would still suck.


I kept saying that woman (Sharon, played by Beyonce) "doth protest too much". it's either lousy acting, or she (the character) is guilty of something and "the best defense is a good offense", so she attacks him before he has a reason to attack her.


Lousy acting + poor writing= Beyonce in this movie


So, are you complaining that the character complained too much, or that Beyonce can't act? I agree she's no actress; but wives are usually suspicious when their husband lies about how hot his temp is, then conceals the way too forward advances he's receiving. If your wife never says anything about anything, she's not a wife at all--she's a mannequin.

Heaven will be underbooked.


Both. She is a bad actress and the character is quite a bitch.


Agreed. You and the OP both make good points, but you're right. A lot of guys probably feel guilty that they would cheat on their wifes (at least if they were like Sharon) in a heartbeat with someone as hot as Ali, even if she was harassing him at work.

Bone, it is what it is.


She hit the offensive before he even got a chance to talk about her appearance. Any rational guy would downplay that to avoid the drama that woman was about to throw at him.


She was pissed off before seeing how hot Ali was though. She was mad that he was just working with a female temp.
Then there's the fact she instantly assumes he's cheating without much solid evidence, takes the word of the other woman she knows nothing about over her husband, and kicks him out of the house.....

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Thankfully, mannequins don't talk.


She was jealous type, and had trust issues. Like the husband said, no relationship is perfect. But over all she didn't seem like a total bitch, just to the temp, after she found out how hot she actually was. Yes, her husband lied about that already, so the trust issues might be warranted too.


ItS one of those visious circles. She is jealous and insecure. He doesn't tell her of the hot secretary because she is jealous and insecure. And we will never know how the cycle started.

Also the husband is your typical man. Not your crazy horndog teenager or womanizer. Men are stupid. You have to spell hinge out for them. Yeah Ally is tempting but I think you put a sports game on and he would lose all interest in her.


I agree.
The wife came off as a total bitch, very mean and unreasonable.
And after she booted him out - of his own house no less - he should have just went back to Lisa, given her what she wanted and gotten it over with.


I don't think he should have run off to the stalker but don't you love it when wives like this throw a man out of his OWN HOUSE? "Get out of ma house!" Say what?



If he's actually cheating I don't mind but... throwing him out cause you think maybe he cheated but you're not sure?
Umm... no.

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Being a bitch to a complete stranger is exactly what being a total bitch is.


This part made me laugh when she said they had an agreement that he would have no female assistants. Get real, Lady! How can she have control over who he works with? Never mind that she was also an assistant of his when she started banging him!



I agree, I had more sympathy for the husband and Ali than I did for Beyonce's character. Beyonce's character was just a dolled up version of ghetto trash. To b****y and attitudinal for him.


It would have made more sense if the husband had had an indiscretion in the past that caused the trust issues. But from what was depicted, their relationship seemed fine.
