MovieChat Forums > Obsessed (2009) Discussion > Why is it only rated PG-13?

Why is it only rated PG-13?

Given its description, it sounds like a plain "R" movie, why PG-13?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Because generic movies like this were being spit out by Screen Gems at a rate of about 2 a month (they've simmered down some, but are still released pretty regularly)... Adult storyline, sexy 'perfume ad' or 'music video' trailer, soap opera script, and just enough primetime 'network TV' sex scenes and violence to net a PG-13. The movies do quite well; moronic newlyweds and dating app's first dates rush to the theater on opening weekend, settling for lifetime 'movie of the week' fare.
