MovieChat Forums > Obsessed (2009) Discussion > Guys, if a woman jumped on you in the ba...

Guys, if a woman jumped on you in the bathroom....

what would you do? Would you shake her off, and walk out like Derek did, or would you decided to get it on?


If it's Ali Larter, get it on. If it's Rosanne, shake her the *beep* off.


Let's be realistic any man would get it on.


Derek was married guys. He stayed faithful to his wife. Now granted the temptations were there to let that woman keep jumping on him but he did right.


You don't know what any man would do. Ali is not the type.


That is ABSOLUTELY not true. It has nothing to do with how hot a girl is either. It has to do with morality.

I would NEVER cheat on my wife. That's not to say I wouldn't be physically attracted. But, to me at least, making love to a woman is not just physical. I would hate myself, hate her and a piece of ass is just not that important that I'm going to *beep* up my marriage of 20 years to my best friend and lover.

"He's not Judge Judy and executioner!"


Ha! He probably got into his relationship/marriage/parenthood with Beyoncé's character by way of the same thing happening at the office Christmas party 3 years earlier when SHE was his secretary. The point being, not only would this not be a completely novel experience for him, but he also might be all too very AWARE of the potential outcomes.

Outside of that...the actual getting it fully "on" in a restroom would not be that appealing, but the initial engagement would not be shaken off so easily 

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


With Ali Larter? Uhm.....No


I'll probably kill her and say its for her own good. Just kidding.

I guess I will struggle a lot and try to run away.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!

