Lost respect for DECADES

So the DECADES network launched this past month with a novel approach--take any day in history, find the most historically significant thing that happened that day, then base the entire day's schedule around it by running classic TV shows and movies like Hogan's Heroes, The Naked City and The Fugitive.

Okay, great. So why did this network, which has been showing nothing but excellent shows, documentaries and movies air this cheesy piece of crap? This movie is horribly bad, almost bordering on camp. It literally looks and feels like a fan-made YouTube video, filled with poor production values and amateurish acting. I felt so embarrassed for David Faustino. I know he's not really in demand but seriously, he's much better than this.

The movie was also disgustingly sordid, lots of vulgarity that wasn't as prevalent back then as it was today, lots of flashbacks of Desalvo raping a dead woman. Gotta love the irony, too. The swear words were bleeped out but the rape was shown as clear as day. Because swear words are so much more offensive than rape! 

Like, really, DECADES? Really?

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=
