Seek your destiny..

that was priceless


absolutely agree !!

The first look of panic - then the "floating serenity" of the 'fat man with the blue umbrella' look on his face when he came up with an exit strategy were hilarious.

if this show didn't show MY life, it would be perfect...


That scene was so funny. That was one of my favorite scenes next to the scene with Sam and the bird and he crushes the bird in his pocket. That was like the 2nd episode.


OMG I laughed so hard I had to rewind it like 4 times, bc it was hysterical-- I loved the look on Kyle's face when he was doing that scene..I don't know why this show doesn't get enough attention, bc its gotta be one of the funniest new show on tv right now....CBS really doesn't give it enough hype, like it does "Two and 1/2 Men", "How I Met Your Mother", (which I think is getting old by the way, but especially Two and 1/2 Men) I also like the Bg Bang Theory, but Worst Week is even better than that show....The couple has such chemistry on this show, and I think whoever did the casting for this show did an incredible job..


I loved it when Melanie would be involved in his mess up, like the wrestling photo, or when she would say. "Freakin Chad."
