5.8 *beep* OFF

UNDERRATED HILARIOUS MOVIE ,thats all im saying!


Yeah the drunk mom was hilarious.


i know ,the dark humour fitted the film so well.i watched it again with my mates stoned a few days ago. hilarious


It really is good. Micheal Pena is awesome!

"It means that I, like God, do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence."


yeah i like him. he's a great actor


COMPLETELY AGREE. This is my first time checking its IMDB and I'm in complete *beep* shock at the low rating! It's such a creative, hilarious film -- definitely deserves at least a 7 from the IMDB wankers.


I know right!! thanks megkegpegleg


More like 1.4


You butthurt lol?


The new car being driven thru the mall and the big fight at the end were worth the price of admission.

Soundtrack is awesome as well.


I've noticed a trend with black comedies on IMDB, they are never relieved as well as they should be.

This was a great movie. Absolutely hilarious.


Relieved? I think you meant, "revered."

"Hear me now! This place is cursed, damned, and yes your master is the devil!"


I think they meant "received". It sounds closer to "relieved" and makes more sense in the context of the sentence.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"


I KNOW its so *beep* good! Plus it has such a great soundtrack. Black comedy movies, tend to be overlooked. Alot of things hurt the film the marketing, plus this film suffered with having a "clone movie" that came out the same year. That being Paul Blart, a fricking kid movie out of all things.

Some people probably went in thinking itll be like a Judd Aptow film, But I gotta give it up for seth, who liked this script. Smart dude

Showing off is the fools idea of glory


Don't blame me, I gave it a 1.


Probably a concerted campaign by the angry anti-rape crowd. This film is what Taxi Driver would look like as a dark comedy.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


I liked it, it was a good film about a man realizing his journey and fulfilling himself.

He maintained all along he could catch the pervert better then the police and his 'black ops' plan of going under cover ended up working. It was also nice that he gave up the pretentious whore Brandi and focused on the nice girl Nell, giving her some much needed confidence (admit it, the scene of him threatening her boss was awesome). He also maintained he should have a gun and he used it to save a life.

The film ends with him being just a mall cop but that’s good enough to make him happy and that’s what matters!


In both films, you have a seriously damaged person who wants to do the right thing, maybe for the right reasons, maybe not, despite their personality defects. Because of those flaws, the means are ugly even if the intentions are pure, fortunately the resolution turns out to be just or you'd just have the expected tragedy instead of an inspiring triumph. I love both movies because to me, they capture the American soul.

And, yes, I love the scene where he defends Nell by threatening her co-workers. That on a small scale is exactly what Ronnie is all about, doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, but getting the job done anyway. Ditto for the scene with the drug dealing kid and the skateboarders. All foreshadow the final resolution with the flasher.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


I’m sure when Ronnie became the hero at the end, Harrison and the PD just shrugged their shoulders and thought “oh well we’re more successful than him and make more money, we’re real cops, he’s just a mall cop” but to him it’s the little things. For instance he was right when he said the pervert could try and kill Brandi, he also knew where the pervert was going and how to cut him off, the police wouldn’t have been able to do that. He saved a life and specifically one he wasn’t fond of which is what good law enforcement should do (all lives matter). Nell really flourished once Ronnie put the co-workers in their place. She was a nice person and was treated poorly for no good reason, Ronnie righted that wrong. The bottom line is Ronnie fulfilled himself and his own goal, he was good to his mother, he cared about his mall and co workers, he didn’t need to be a yuppie.
