@Last Templar Fanboys.

Stop thinking that this should be identical to the book.

I don't know WTF you guys were expecting, but this is just a TV MOVIE.

It's not some huge hollywood production.

So just sit back, and enjoy the thing. It's not THAT bad, you know.



Did you read the book?

I don;t expect a theatrical production, I just want the source material to get it's accolades. If something is based off a book that was already in screenplay format pretty much cannot even stick to the simple format it should not be made. It gives anyone who has not read the book the wrong idea. It's also not fair to those who have read the book. I understand that the production team had to fit a lot in a certain time frame, but the mistakes are so rampant it takes away from the actual story.

All in all you're just a nother brick in the wall.



No, I didn't read the book.

My father worked on it, and the producer was an idiot.



One does not need to read the novel to see the travesty this movie is! "It's just a TV movie" isn't a good enough excuse because this has been touted as a major event! Also, there are many remarkable TV miniseries that challenge theatrical films.

When TV has a history of "The Thorn Birds", "Gulliver's Travels" and other standout productions, "The Last Templar" is unforgivable! It's not even "good bad" except for perhaps the ridiculous opening, including Mira Sorvino jousting. I keep thinking of the promotional campaign, which led us to believe this really was something to look forward to viewing. I even had a blank tape ready, and I taped both parts, hoping that it would prove my initial judgment wrong. This might be the fastest tape-over on record!


