It's kinda frustrating...

Okay, the only way I really figured out about this movie about how Shia Labeouf was gonna have this BIGG full frontal scene, and I thought to myself "how far will they go? I mean it's an indie movie, they could pull it off". And of course we get to that supposed "full frontal" scene, and what a big surprise you see like 2 seconds of Shia naked and then the rest of the scene is naked women. Look, I think women and men have equally beautiful bodies but it's clear to see that a of mainstream movies (and kind of just American movies in general) have this problem with male nudity, but have no problem with female nudity. It frustrates me because if you show a woman's boobs in a movie you should be able to show a guy nude just as much. That went a little off topic, but I'm trying to prove a point that for some reason a lot of people are afraid of naked male bodies in movies but are perfectly fine with naked female just seems odd to me.
Anyways..the movie was decent, didn't like the ending at all but I though Shia was good:)
