Fantasy Bucharest!

THis is not how Bucharest is! I mean i was soooo exdcited to see my home town portrayed in an american movie so upfront and central but it seems they just decided to visit Bucharest and use a fantasy-version of the city! I mean don't get me wrong i liked some aspects of it, but the could have shown more of the grit and of the weird charm, and less of the "eurotrip" style perception on eastern-europe.
I did love seeing them shoot in the subway station, that was cool, and one thing they did get right, Bucharest-wise is that orange-ey dusty glow this city has in the dusk and in the warm spring summer nights.

Anyway Bucharest is much more interesting than this...


I'm not sure if this has been brought up already, but the opera house in the movie is not the opera house in real life. Bucharest has an opera house, which is another building. The building in the film is the Atheneum concert hall.
