Message to the producers

Hey there, I just let you know that I will never watch amovie featuring Shia Laboeuf or Justin Timberlake no matter how good the director and the script. I'm sure a lot of people think the same which means less money in your pockets.


Okay retard. Bet money you paid to see Transformers, Indiana Jones or The Social Network... right?


Hey retard I never watched Transformers nor The Social Network. I watched Indiana Jones 4 though, I hesitated because of LAboeuf presence but I gave it a try. Turned out the movie was such a disaster , Laboeuf annoyance was anegdotical.
I wanted to watch "In Time" but Timberlake presence is a turn off, I won't throw a penny to these cockroaches, I won't even download their garbage on my computer, the producers that are backing these Hollywood hacks need to be hit were it hurts them, in the pocket.


You watched Indiana but not The Social Network?

Automatic fail in life. You have zero taste in film. If you're watching films solely for actors, you're missing the point. Try appreciating the writing & directing.


Like I said I will never watch a movie starring Timberlake, and you can eventually add Eisenberg. As for the movie itself I have no interest in a bipic about that Zuckerberg scumbag. He is the SHia Laboeuf of the Internet, he is a hack and his success story is a lie, facebook was a CIA asset to monitor people, they used a young *beep* so we don't figure out their plan. Let me know what other piece of art I should absolutely watch, Zero Dark Thirty?


Check out IT'S PAT. Tarantino did an uncredited page-one rewrite on the entire thing. It's all his work if you pay close attention.


Is anegdotical a mistranslation of anecdotal? Serious question, because your writing is intelligent, and it seems unlikely you would not know how to spell anecdotal. Additionally, the word would not fit in this context. I am very curious.


Yes it's a mistranlation, english is not my language.


Gotcha, thanks. :-) Also, I agree with your post.



Timberlake and LAboeuf wish there was an autotune for acting, they wouldn't look that bad on screen


Timberlake and LAboeuf wish there was an autotune for acting, they wouldn't look that bad on screen

I wish there was an autotune for IMDB, then you wouldn't look so bad posting. That being said... they certainly aren't great actors.


"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson






