The first random tape he picks up

Is the one that reveals all of the secrets Nigel is keeping. Out of 75 vhs tapes, he pops this one in? I know, I'm nitpicking, but it annoyed me.


It wasn't a random pick. The tape was titled ,"Cubbies 1995 World Series" or something like that. Gabi's dad was telling Charlie about it on the plane and that is why that specific VHS caught his attention.


Ah, now THAT makes sense. I had forgotten that part, thank you!


More than that, the Cubs haven't won the World Series since 1908.


On the plane when he and Charlie were talking about the Cubbs they established that they would never win a series and haven't in the longest time.


It actually felt like the father picked Charlie as he liked him and knew he could trust him with his daughter.... maybe he knew his time was up, and dropped subtle hints incase things got out of hand and nigel needed taking down.
