MovieChat Forums > The Mentalist (2008) Discussion > FINALLY watched the finale....

FINALLY watched the finale....

I watched this entire series live from Day One. I watched alllll the seasons, right up until the very last episode. I could not bring myself to watch it! I was too sad it was ending, and I didn't want to say goodbye! Which is totally weird because I thought Season 6 was going to be the end of The Mentalist, and I watched that finale with ease. In fact, I didn't even think it was a good idea for them to bring it back for Season 7. I have no idea why it was so hard for me to let go at that final time.

I left it unwatched on my DVR for MONTHS, until finally I just decided it was time to watch the entire series again from the beginning. I started it over the summer, and watched it slowly, savoring it. Loving it even more than I loved it the first time. All the way up until today. Just about exactly a year after it ended, I finally made myself watch the finale.

I thought I would be excited to finally see it, and a bit anxious to actually get it over with, but nope! I reached the last 2-part episode on my disc, and just sat there staring at the DVD menu, teary-eyed! I checked my email, I made a phone call, I had lunch, I did every little thing I could think of. Finally I hit 'play,' and nearly cried right then!

But I did it. I watched it. I finally saw how it all ended. It's still so hard to say goodbye. I may have to watch it again soon!


Yep ... Never Forget to Always Remember September

(and got feeling they not 'acting', yea ? ;-)


Ok, let's do this PS'er too ...

Just for sake of 'Official Acting' with those I Am's and You Are's

And as yapped before here in the past, like a year ago

As far as WE know fersure about Lisbon

She just ate some 'bad oysters' ?

(urp burp ... wink)

AND ... Only One

Yes ... Savor and Re-savor what might be

The Finest Meal on Network TV in Recent Years

And maybe many years before another comes close

(magnifique ... bon appetite)



I know where you're coming from, I was incredibly sad when the show ended! Even now, almost a year latter, I still miss it terribly and feel sad when I think about the fact that there will never be another new episode and we will never see these characters ever again. I have watched a lot of shows over the years, but losing this one has bothered me more than any other.

I am curious what you thought of the two hour finale, I loved it!


jane ...

Your Post .  . yea, there

Is 'Nested', so appears as reply to 'me' (bc)

And you ask "what you thought of finale" ?

But you intended for 'Only One' ... yes ?

(hope you two sort it out ok, wink ;-)


Now, why stopped bye ...

Jisbon Wedding Video September Song

Yea ...  also up there

Well ... damn kismet synchronicity timing





Sorry for the mix up, yes I was asking there-can-only-be-when about his or her opinion on the series finale, I guess I should have replied under their post instead of yours.

Also, I just heard the news about Maurice White, so sad.


I haven't watched it yet. In fact, I haven't watched the last six episodes. There are a lot of reasons. I fell in love with this show in a way that I had never done before and although I understood the need for it to end and for the actors to move on, it broke my heart. Like you, I watched all episodes live and some of the reruns four or five times. I think it had to end to cure me of my obsession☺. Of course, I know how it ended; it's just for me, if I don't acknowledge it, it hasn't happened. If I don't acknowledge it, there's still time for Bruno Heller to take many things in a different direction. I'm not a fan fiction person but in my own imagination, I can believe they are still investigating cases.

I never visit this board, but something drew me to it today. Perhaps it was to respond to your post.


Man, I can so relate. I just never wanted it to end, and watching that final episode was so... final! 

It's the same way I felt about Leverage. Sadly, I didn't discover it until it was off the air, but I fell in love with it so quickly that I immediately bought the entire series on DVD and marathoned it. Until the last season. I slowed waaaaayyyy down when I reached Season Five, because I knew there were only so many more episodes. I watched the finale of that show exactly once. To this day, I can't bring myself to watch it again! Every other episode I've seen countless times, but the finale only the once. Many other fans feel the same way. It wasn't that it was bad at all, it was just heart-wrenching. Anyway, if you're looking for another good show, and you haven't seen Leverage, I highly recommend it! It's the only show I love more than The Mentalist.

I'm currently watching The Guardian, which I'm enjoying, but it's making me miss The Mentalist all over again! Even though I practically just finished The Mentalist, I'm already in the mood to watch it again.


I watched the Finale episode many a months back and didnt even know it was the finale, Normally Mentalist had around 22 episodes a Season. Today I was going through my notepad about all the unfinished Seasons that I have or need to download(its a long list) and that is when I saw there has been no new episodes, and came to this board to check. Feeling so sad that there wont be any more Jane or lisbon. I have seen atleast a couple of hundred shows, and I guess this would be one of the most missed one.


Oh, that's sad! Yeah, the last season was a half season, like 13 episodes I think. I'm sorry you were caught off guard. That's really disappointing! 


Rewatching mentalist and the quality of the episodes is still very high, even in season 6 and 7.
Should they make a season 8?


I thought the shortened Season 7 allowed them to wrap up things pretty well.

Plus, according to press releases during the first few years of the show, many of the actors' contracts would have been up for renewal after Season 7. Finally, show creator Bruno Heller had moved on to "Gotham", so he would not have had the time to devote to two shows at once.
