MovieChat Forums > The Mentalist (2008) Discussion > What the hell did I just watch

What the hell did I just watch

Granted, I am pretty far behind, but did everybody get fired so they hired all new writers or something.

I have just started in on 6th season and to the whole Red John reveal/cluster f^?k. As someone who has been watching this show marathon style, this set of 'transition' episodes is something akin to having someone cut in thug rap to the middle of Scheherazade. It's messy, the acting is awful (holy hell, someone shoot those two Feds) this ridiculous new plot line is so far reaching, I'd find the sudden appearance of Mulder and Scully more believable. This is the first time I have ever considered *beep* off this show and not going back to it? Did the director suffer a brain injury? Someone blackmail him or did he hire his wife's favorite (but useless) nephew to write scripts?

Ok. Rant over. Doesn't happen often....but doesn't make it better.


Basically what happened is, the show is owned by Warner Brothers and after season 5 the President of Warner Brothers had a meeting with the creator/showrunner/head writer Bruno Heller and told him that he felt the Red John storyline had run it's course and that the audience was growing tired of it. So he ordered Heller to wrap up the Red John storyline during the first few episodes of season 6 and then completely reboot the show by changing locations, from CBI to FBI, California to Texas, and by bringing in some new characters for Jane and company to interact with.

To answer your question, no the writers didn't get fired, about 95% of the writers for season 6 had been writing on the show for a number of years, some of them from the very beginning. I'm not sure how far into season 6 you are, but I assume the two feds you're talking about are Abbot and Fischer. I completely agree with you about Fischer, both the actress and the character are completely awful, but as the season progresses I think Abbot will grow on you. I hated him at first, but he ended up becoming a very nice addition to the cast, and I think Rockmond Dunbar did a very good job playing the character.


Ok...The Transforner toy was his achillies heel. You are right, he is growing on me-a VERY little bit. And the writing is getting back to normal, with Lisbons excellent timing to request a tank.


Your analysis begs the question, especially for those who might hold the following opinions:

a. "Red John really didn't matter to me"
b. "I enjoyed the show because of the procedural, 'case-of-the-week' aspects of it"
c. "I liked the interaction between the stars, not the chase of Red John"

I understand that, I do. It's NOT what attracted me to the show originally, and it's NOT what kept me watching (and re-watching) each week, but I understand that viewpoint.

However, I join you in your opinion of the show following the Red John reveal. To me (and to you), it was messy, the acting wasn't good, the Fischer character was simply awful, and the FBI in Texas wasn't nearly as appealing as the CBI in California.

That being said, I always have to ask those who say they would have watched "The Mentalist" even if there had been no Red John arc throughout:

Assume the Pilot episode of the entire series had been episode 6x09 "My Blue Heaven". In other words, Patrick Jane has ALREADY killed his nemesis, and Red John won't be mentioned again. Patrick will return from the island and will work to solve crimes for the FBI. Fischer will be one of the main characters.

Question: Would you have continued to watch?? I know I wouldn't have. No way.

My point is... if you have to consider your answer AT ALL, then maybe Red John was more important to the storyline than you're allowing yourself to believe. (And the "you" is a universal "you", not you in particular).


I love that whole statement.


creegansgal ... thanks for your post/reply (and myer's set up, that 'head' ;-)

THE reason why ... packersfan's post (somewhere in/up here)
Seen it back when, ty, but lost track of 'where' now re-found

SO ... yes pack, thank you thanks, is a brilliant quick summation of that 'big picture yada', but not seen 'it' laid out before like you have, and yeppers, i'll 2nd the vote that was "basically what happened" (aye)

And let's not all get into a 'thing' here/now about this/that (save for 'other stuff/time', ty, wink)

But pack, do you have, will you post, links/etc to articles/interviews/etc as reference/back up/etc ? ... can add them to my 'humble pile' of Mentalistic Stuff (for posterity's sake, ty ty)



And let's not all get into a 'thing' here/now about this/that (save for 'other stuff/time', ty, wink)

Pace yourself, bc. We've been promised your explanations and your theories since before the show ended... more than 17 MONTHS AGO!!! Red John was revealed NEARLY 3 YEARS AGO!! What in the heck are you waiting for?


I loathe television execs putting their noses into the creative reigns of the show. The worst thing to do is to alienate your core audience. Stripping a show of almost everything familiar about it is really dumb, IMO. I think making your content more compelling would help dropping ratings before gutting the show and chasing away the loyal viewers.

Ending the Red John mystery was questionable, but probably wouldn't have done the show in by itself if they had replaced him with a new threat. I stopped watching after the Red John reveal myself and didn't return until the series finale. I partly agree that the Red John storyline had run its course, as I was getting a little tired of every lead they got turning up dead in a "shocking" twist. I just don't understand the move to Texas. Totally unnecessary, in my opinion.

After the unsatisfying Red John reveal, I was done, though. I probably will go back and rewatch the entire thing one day, but the thought of going through those last two seasons gives me an anxious feeling.


Timing is everything.

"The Mentalist" isn't just yesterday's news... it's 2013's news!

In the 'what have you done for me lately' society in which we live, that means it is distant history, akin to Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon.

<Walter Cronkite voice> (Remove glasses, look somber) "The show.... is dead."



Did you enjoy the first 7 episodes of Season 6, the lead-up to the actual reveal episode, aka "The Debacle"?


It's hard to say. I don't really remember much about them, to be honest. But, I'm pretty sure I had few complaints until the reveal episode, so I must have been okay with them. This show will get a new viewing from me in the next few months, maybe after I've knocked a few of the ones I'm watching off my plate.


myerman ... you mention kennedy/johnson/nixon/walter ... to borrow from jeff airplane, are you talking about what it is you know or just repeating what it was you heard ? ... or as jimi put it, are you experienced ? ... if so, good, then you gotta know all that was just yesterday in the grand scheme of things, so easy to say/see Mentalist, in its Grand Scheme, is still in progress, yea ?
mysteryman .... yes, do watch/rewatch, and learn as much as able/want about 'back stage activites', not only in Mentalist, but any 'show/story/film/art/etc' ... brings whole new/expanded 'thing' to understanding/seeing the 'total picture/etc', yea ?


Nobody is writing successful books about TV shows which had their denouement three years prior to the book going to print.


¿ Printed Books ?

You ARE Olde

(wink wink)


And since here ...

That 'Grand Thesis Magnum Opus Thingy'
Title of my Mentalist Review 4 years ago

"Global Village Art on American TV"

The 'Catch' in all this/that ... Art
And by yin/yang extension ... Science

And Nota Bene - Art is Noun, Science is Verb
(do the 'look ups' for original Latinae, Sciere)

And while many say USA is America
Now we have New Cycle, The Village

And any/all Nouns/Verbs in this/that
Simply adjust Metaphors accordingly

Then Patrick Jane is another Prometheus

(just that simple ;-)



Hope your book comes with a Cap'n Crunch De-Coder ring.


My Errr, hang on minute

For some de-code practice

(munch crunch snarky wink)

But first, answer this from above...

Master Po and Grasshopper's Pebble

Did G-Hopper really 'snatch' it ?

Or did M-Po just let him 'take' it ?

Or maybe some combo of the two ?

... eh Cap'n ?


Now ... who is where and when ?

What ? You Dunno ?

(you 'head' you ;-)



More gibberish....


I must admit I am really enjoying season 6.
The chase for red john is exciting- but does appear rushed.

The FBI episodes are good and Jane, the true maverick remains immensely entertaining.
