How good is this movie?

I can't find it and I'm a huge Shauna O'Brien fan. Can someone please tell me if this movie worths the watch and how good are Shauna's sex scenes?
Thanks in advance.

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


O.K., This 'movie', if one can call it that, is basically nothing but a mish-mash of scenes from the 'Bare Wench' series directed by Jim Wynorski. Each of the scenes are the nude/softcore sex scenes in these movies where people take off their clothes for NO explainable reason and frolic around naked for the pleasure of the viewer. Basically all the sex/nudity without any of the plot. There is NO new footage of Shauna O' Brien here - everything is taken from or is a repeat of her scenes from those movies in which she appeared in. Oh, her scenes consist of dancing and stripping around a big fire in the middle of a forest and pouring chocolate syrup on herself - no sex scenes, sorry!

The ONLY new footage here is of the producer Melissa Brasselle acting as an annoying MTV-style host, introducing each segment featuring the girls and passing off smart-arse comments regarding said scenes. She also gets totally naked (her first time in these movies!) as well as smears herself with chocolate syrup all over her body towards the end. I quite fancy Melissa so I was well pleased. The rest of you if you have already seen the previous films, may feel less so.....

Hope that's helped you out anyways.


Thank you very much seriously! Now I won't hunt this movie down.
No new sex footage? That's a robbery. I think you saved me some money.

Anyways I'll stick to Shauna's earlier material better. To be honest I haven't been a huge fan of "Bare Wench" but still I expected new material.

Thanks a lot again!

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


No probs! Always happy to help!


An information professional brought this film to my attention. Rocky, the producer and star, sure knew how to make use of syrup.

Know who has the body for a bunny outfit, know who has the body for a lawyer hat instead.
