well made piece of crap

it takes just as much effort, people and money to make a bad movie as it does a good one. Atleast Van Damme will have a chance at a Cinema comeback, but unless Seagal does an Under Siege 3 - his career is pretty much over and im saddened by it. He is obviously well paid to star in this shyte and he must still rent and sell well if they are churning out 3-4 of these a year. But why in heaven's sake does Seagal not give two craps about his fans that pay good money to support him through rental or purchase. The filming of this was competent, as was the actors and the make up. it seemed to be put together ALOT better than some of the other films - but its just dead boring, goes no where and seagal is in it for about 30 minutes, spread out over the whole film. Dont buy it, dont rent it and download it if there is nothing better. 3/10


Yeah, doesn't sound very good --->


Maybe they just squeezed Seagal into this one, or shot a couple movies at once (on same soundstages) with him, maximizing budgets???


I agree. For about the first half of the movie, there was no impending feeling of doom (like Dawn of the Dead '78). Then in the second half they try to introduce some tension, but it just didn't work very well. And what were they fighting...vampires...zombies? You take your pick depending on the scene. At least Seagal is straying away from the Seagalology formula, and that is good. But, I also agree that if SS doesn't mend fences with WB and do US3, DTV is where SS will (unfortunately) stay.


Worst movie I have ever seen. 'Nuf said. Very bad.


Could not agree more, this film was awful, i think Steven Seagal's name was on the credits to sell the movie, i thought Steven Seagal must be good and have a plot or story, alas no, very underwhelmed, i give it 2/10, rent or buy save yourself some money and don't. I usually something good to say about a film but this has beat me, all in all total trash


Competent? I found a ton of mistakes from the director, but I can see that he tried to do a good job and then he tried to solve things in post.
