MovieChat Forums > Get Low (2010) Discussion > Some reasons why some people think it is...

Some reasons why some people think it is over rated.

Here are some of the reasons why some people think this movie is over rated and sucks.
1. There were no explosions.
2. When there was gun fire no one got their head blown off.
3. There was a story line that required some thinking.
4. There were no explosions.
5. There was some character development.
6. There were no explosions.
7. There were no super heroes, monsters, or CGI.
8. There were no explosions.
9. There was not one single scene with some bloody guts in it.
10. And last...wait for it....there were no explosions!


You forgot there was no nudity or sex.


For those of us who like to be challenged, this was refreshing. Good enough that I'm going to give it to my parents for Christmas--for all the reasons it is NOT a box office hit--excellent writing, strong storyline, no nudity, no blood and guts, no explosions.


Oh wait, you forgot... there were no explosions!!

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room."


If there is nudity or sex, teenagers wont be allowed into theaters. So no, they would not prefer nudity or sex.


Harlan Ellison, writing in the 1980s, said the studios were marketing to the lowest common denominator with "roast beef red and car crashes"

He also mentioned that teen films that did well all had three things: bare t1ts, disdain for authority, and destruction of private property

I'm inclined to agree with him somewhat in that I would nowadays delete the word "teen" from the above. Any film that doesn't have some of that has less chance of succeeding.

Don't forget your tsvets!


You said it exactly, my friend.


There was a time when teens and young adults would actually go to see mature, intelligent and sometimes challenging films...sadly, that was 40 years ago.


I think they probably still do. It's not rare to see someone writing on the board for a film on the level of 12 Angry Men or Camille or something and they go "I'm sixteen and I think this is a great picture! Wow, why don't they make them like this any more" etc. etc. I think young people just need exposure to this stuff.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!


Well there was a fire. Kind of an explosion.

Reasons other people think it's overrated:

1. Poor reason for the man to have become a legendary town-pariah in the first place. Why the hell was he blamed when no one knew about the affair, and he could have very well died in the fire alongside the people who actually did?

2. Everyone comes to his gathering even though he scared them to death. I thought the whole reason to make the event a "funeral" was to make it seem as though the guests could reveal the reasons for their fear without fear of reprisal.

3. Old man tells a story that sounds fabricated, and everyone buys it with mouth agape. Woman appears sorrier for old man than dead sister.

4. Predictable imagery near ending, predictable ending in itself. The idea of a fake funeral telegraphs a real death at the end, but I was personally hoping for something a bit deeper.

I thought the film was O.K., but I didn't love it. If the performances and direction weren't as good as they were, I'd like it a lot less.



For your #1: he wasn't blamed as the town pariah for the fire/affair/deaths. He blamed himself and so put himself into his own prison for 40 years (and was an ornery old guy to anyone who ventured nearby).

People made up their own opinions about him and apocryphal stories and heresay and gossip spread to make him some legendary bad guy.


I gathered as much and I fell asleep after 30 mins or so... :/


I know you're being sarcastic, in a serious kind of way.

However, a large part of the problem is that this film wasn't promoted nor widely distributed. That has more to do with the internal workings of the industry than the audience.

But really, why do I care? Films like this, an elderly lead and an unconventional story and setting, are never going to be a big hit. Once in a great while a film that goes outside the norm such as this does hits it big. Mostly I've noticed that it happens with low budget horror films which I abhor. Or with religion/morality themed films, which won't get me into the audience either. I don't flee from films with a message but don't hit me over the head with a preconceived POV.

I think those responsible should hang their heads in shame that Duvall, Spacek, and Murray weren't recognized at award time. But if this movie was made just for me and my ilk, that's fine with me. So be it.

"I'd never ask you to trust me. It's the cry of a guilty soul."


i think film is best drama of this year, some might think that is over rating it but who cares?..


I like the film very much but I surely don't think that because someone does not it suggests they lack maturity or intellect.


What some of you don't know is that the DIRECTOR of the movie is from a small town in Illinois. Most of us grew up with him. He was one of the drum majors in the marching band when he was in high school.... so a lot of these overly enthusiastic reviews are from people who grew up with him and still think they are best friends with him because they knew him 25 years ago. its the closest claim to real fame in the area so they are over start struck.


BS .. they like it because it's a great movie .. and I don't even know who the director is .


I'd like a chance t' shoot at an educated man once in my life .


I came into the film after about 15 minutes had passed and couldn't stop watching it. Love movies showing you another era and love the realism of Tennessee in its bygone days. I knew I had seen Buddy before and there he was all "growed" up from Slingblade. I loved the acting and the ending. Duvall might have been a feisty old hermit but he had class. Blaming himself all those years for Mary Lee's murder. Great to see Sissy Spacek getting back to her roots.


This is such a silly thing to say. Every director comes from somewhere. By this logic, every movie would be highly rated cause his friends rated it as such.
