MovieChat Forums > Step Up 3D (2010) Discussion > 5 things i learned from watching this mo...

5 things i learned from watching this movie

1, Your suposed rich best friend will have an extremely hot sister that you don't know about.

2, Ice cream trucks have ungodly loud speakers you can hear perfectly from miles away

3, A skinny white kid can steal a black mans hat right in front of him and the black man will do nothing.

4,stages have a friggin river under them lmao

5 You can get arrested for dancing

Darth Vader, the greatest Hero and Villian in history..and we find out his nickname is Annie :/


3. Why does color have a factor? If you steal ANYONES belongings you would expect a consequence.

5. He wasn't going to be arrested for dancing, did you not see the damage "Moose" caused during his dance freestyle.

2. I thought the same thing, lmao.


hahaha, nice:)

this August, "Step Your Game Up" 3D!


What about how every new york-based budding filmmaker's dream is to attend film school on the other side of the country WHEN THEY HAVE NYU RIGHT THERE (which one of the characters even attends)


6. homeless and poor persons cannot find a place to live but they can have a room dedicated to extremely nice shoes and also have amazing technology

7. an extremely wealthy kid with a huge trust fund can't pay back a dancing debt but is able to afford a large plot of property

8. stealing scooters is okay

9. you can take a train to california from NY

10. its okay to go into sketchy alleyways, cars, and apartment complexes as long as the man has nice shoes


[deleted] perfectly right. it would be almost hilarious if it wasn.t tragic



I don't have qualifications to judge anyone's dancing but you gotta admit, she IS beautiful.
