I can't understand one word

I can't watch this show because I can't comprehend one word they are saying. Is it English?


I agree! I gave this show a chance & it failed! I wish they spoke a more comprehendible english. I tried to watch the show with subtitles but it wasn't worth it! I had high hopes for this and they let me down!

There are much better reality shows that I can actually understand...and find a waste of time!

I doubt it will last if the family doesn't take dictation classes...QUICK!

Mistress of the Dark Unconscious

Welcome to the Bob Loblaw Law Blog


But I bet you two can understand everything that Paula Dean says with that thick ass southern accent right? I understand everything that they say so I don't know what that says about me...


I smell a couple of racist pigs...



Pigs yes, but not racist... I can't understand people with thick Cockney accents and that doesn't mean I want to oppress them. Pick your battles people.


Obviously if yall can't understand the Neely's accent, then you're not from the south. I live in Mississippi, about 2 miles from Memphis (which is where the Neelys are from) and down here everyone talks like that. It's easy for me to understand, because I hear it everyday.

As for Paula Deen, her accent might be a thick, but as far as I'm concerned, she's laying it on real thick. Nobody talks like that, its just for show.


But I bet you two can understand everything that Paula Dean says with that thick ass southern accent right? I understand everything that they say so I don't know what that says about me...


I'm from California, we have about the complete opposite accent from Southerners and I understand everything they say. If you can't understand maybe you aren't really listening.


I'm from California too and it's not hard to understand at all.


it's seriously not that hard to understand them. their accent is not that deep.
you're just lazy.




I doubt it will last if the family doesn't take dictation classes...QUICK!


I can't believe no one else caught this--a real case of the pot calling the kettle black. Too Funny!

Dictation is what secretaries do. They transcribe their CEO's words into a letter. Diction is a person's speaking style.

If you are going to put down someones English ability, at least learn how to use it first Geddy-Kat.

I can take or leave the show. Mrs. Neely is a bit cloying, but the food looks good.

As a New Yorker (City) WITHOUT the regional accent I understand them without any problem.

People from all over the country, in fact the world have always asked me, "Where's your accent?"

Gotta go, the boss needs me to take some DICTION!!! He's such a DICTator, a real DICT!

"Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup." Ludwig Van Beethoven


I have no problem understanding them, I just can't stand to hear Gina. Tone it down already.



It's diction, not dictation, you moron!


Comprehensible, you idiot!



Such a racist comment. They speak english just like the other Food Network people. Only they just happen to be African American. What's the big deal.

No one ever complains when that hick Paula Dean butches words left and right.

Such a double standard.


Such a racist comment. They speak english just like the other Food Network people. Only they just happen to be African American. What's the big deal.

That is what is so wrong with the U.S. People are hyphenating, and re-segregating themselves. The Neely's are no more "African" than I am Dutch. My ancestors came over in the late 1700/1800's. I would imagine their families arrived at the same time. I have interest and pride in my ancestry, but I don't go around telling everyone I am a "Dutch-American." I am AMERICAN. Period.

And you need to stop labeling everything "RACIST." Just because you disagree with something DOESN'T make it racist.

No one ever complains when that hick Paula Dean butches words left and right.

Apparently, you haven't read much on the Internet about Paula Deen. There is PLENTY of smack-talk about her accent. She has as much, possibly more, criticism than any FoodTV host. Maybe she has more because she is more well-known than the Neely's. The problem is, most of hose haters have no idea what they are talking about. I have family that moved to middle-of- nowhere Georgia and they now have accents almost as thick as Paula's! And Paula has lived there her whole life. She reminds me of my grandmother, who had a very similar accent and personality.

I actually believe that a lot of the criticism comes from people in the Northeast and West who always look down upon people from the South and the "red States" because of their unwarranted superiority -- which is actually a disguised inferiority complex.

I would actually enjoy seeing some of the Neely's recipes .. it's just darn near impossible to watch them because Gina is so dang loud, and the constant "BABY" "HONEY" gets on the nerves VERY quick!


I understand them fine,still doesn't make it acceptable that they are shucking and jiving,and embarresing themselves. Play up all the stereotype's instead of knocking them down.


