MovieChat Forums > Rango (2011) Discussion > great animation, great music, weak comed...

great animation, great music, weak comedy

The problem with this film(for me, anyways) was the weak attempt at comedy. Every gag just came off forced to me, nothing felt organic at all. And Gore Verbinski seems to think having Johnny Depp run around and scream was all it took to make funny. Rango is also kind of a boring character to me. He just seems like a Johnny Depp caricature in animation form.

It's a shame, because I think everything else about this movie is generally quite good(I even liked the story and how mature it felt for a kids film) and there's clearly a lot of love and effort onscreen.


I disagree, rockey. I thought it was hilarious. I guess that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.


Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


I could have done without too much silly slapstick too. I thought the songs were a good accompaniment to the story.

I liked the whiskery old characters in this and the mysterious 'Spirit Of The West. 'Rango himself was too Kermit-like.


I feel the humour at the beginning of the movie is very childish and slapstick, but it fades away after the first half an hour and gets pretty damn mature towards the end, I love this movie and find it horribly underrated for its amazing animation, sound track and interesting characters


I rewatched it recently and the comedy stood out to me. The animators have a great sense of timing and facial expression. I love the sequence in the bar. Rango has just bragged himself up when in walks the gang of toughs. Rango gets cigar smoke blown in his face. He knows he wants to save face, so he grabs the cigar to do something manly and tough, but can't think of anything. Desperation kicks in, and, flailing at straws, his mind thinks, "Eat it...?" and he pops it in his mouth. It's a testament to the animators that they can get across all that information just with Rango's face. Then, of course, the fallout from eating the cigar is hilarious, too.

That's just one tiny sequence. Overall: this movie is a scream!
