Verdona/ Anadite idea

Do you think Verdona will ever return? Was just thinking, since the Omnitrix has over a million DNA samples, do you think it's possible he might have Anadite DNA in there?
What if Verdona returned/manipulated the Omnitrix to make Ben turn into an Anadite? And offeredg to help him stay an Anadite. It could also be incentive for Gwen to turn into an Anadite to try and save Ben, and reconsidering her own decision. Leaving Kevin in a lurch trying to figure out how to save them both.


When Verdona returns, I doubt she will try to force Ben to bend to her will. Her attempt with Gwen didn't turn out that well. She will probably help them fight a villain that uses magic, possibly an evil Anodite.

Unbent. Unbowed. Unbroken.


I wonder what will happen when Verdona returns and meets up with Max again.
