THIS IS MY TOWN!!! hahaha

I went to McKinney North High School and graduated in 04, but my younger brothers all go there. I go to college in Idaho and it was so weird so see this on CNN or have people come up to me and ask me about it, i thought it was kinda funny! My brothers said all these girls were slutty and completely insane. I can't freaking wait for this movie, its going to be so hilarious to all those who actually know who did all this stuff!


This is my town too! I actually went to McKinney High and graduated in '02, so I'm a few years older than these girls. I couldn't believe it when I heard my hometown being talked about on national news. I know McKinney's not really small like it once was, but it still feels that way to me!


Same here! I'm McKinney High class of 07, but I was definitely in cheerleading with these girls in middle school. It's ridiculous how much attention is being given to this.



Your all really lucky maybe you'll get to meet Tatum O'Neal


This is my hometown too, I graduated class of 1998, and went to McKinney High School.
My younger sister graduated from McKinney North in 2007 and she knew these girls.
I think it's *beep* how people can get away with so much just cause they're mother is the principal.
It should be funny seeing this.
I don't think anyone will meet Tatum though.
McKinney didn't allow them to film the movie I understand it's done and was filmed in another New Orleans, Louisiana.


What I don't get is what kind of mom would let her daughter drink and act wild? If my mom caught me doing the same stuff the Fab Five did, I would be grounded until Doomsday. What was the deal with the Principal?


She suffers from what I call "The Precious Darling Syndrome". This is a very real syndrome/illness (mental illness) where a parent is confronted with the evidence of their children's crimes, be it tagging, smoking, drinking, whoring around, robbing the local gas station, and their response is always the same... "Not my precious darling."

You'll see this more and more as parents become afraid to actually PARENT their kids. They want too badly to be their friends and if they actually had to *GASP* be a parent, the fear of losing their child's friendship and perhaps hear the words every parent fears but will hear anyway, at some point in the lives of their teenagers, "I hate you!" prevents them from actually being a parent.

Just my two cents.


So what? I get mad at my parents over something now and then, but I get over it. One time, my elementary school held a overnight slumber party, and my mom said I couldn't go because of how crowded it could be in the gym. I was mad at her for a few days because everyone else's parents were letting them go.


Ah, but you are NORMAL as are your parents. It's the parents who are afraid to say for fear of losing their child's love that are victims of the "Precious Darling Syndrome". You are one of the lucky ones, your parents love you enough to say no.


Any idea what Mr. Tippet was like? I hate to be in Brooke's shoes if he ever found out what happened?


nah, he totally laughed it off. i read in an interview that he said he'd "have friends over" to watch the movie and have a laugh. he thinks that Lifetime would actually put out a movie full of lies and that Hollywood would make it look worse than it really was. although the latter may be true, Lifetime did their research.


My older daughter was engaged to a young man whose grandparents had serious Precious Darling syndrome. He was estranged from his parents and had almost no contact with them. He was a football player and had a great car. He was also an alcoholic, something his grandparents never accepted. They just kept buying his way out of bigger and bigger messes.

He went to prison. My daughter went to Houston and married a wonderful man. Actually, they both got what they wanted.


Yeah it was filmed in New from a smalll city near New Orleans and one of the girls from the Fab 5 in the movie is a friend of im pumped about the movie coming out!!!!!!!!



Hey pn938, since you went to McKinney High and graduated in '07
and you knew these cheerleaders in middle school I would like
to know one thing? Upon scanning the imdb cast list do you know
if the real names of the main characters are used or have
those persons been given aliases? I will watch tonight and I
really am curious if the real names of the cheerleaders and
the other main characters were used or not.



none of the names used in the movie are the real names
this includes the girls, the coach, the teachers, and the school
they are all changed


Thanks for your reply, I know the name of the high school was
changed to Jackson High.



Don't forget that not only is it the parents fault but in Texas the blame also falls with the state and the school districts. I have had my bouts with the locaol school district and the administration is so centered around politics that they can not see what they are doing to the students. all the teachers and administration want to say that the children are unruly and can not stay still and they are ADHD. What happened to parents sitting the children down and making them stay there for a pre-determined amount of time at home when they are young? then what happened to the schools disciplining the children firmly and accordingly to the offense. this younger generation of parents are paying for not listening to their parents and putting the fear of God in their children early. God Bless all of you who have displined your children accordingly and to those who haven't may God be with you.


I cannot stand how kids act now and im not even that old im 21 and its disturbing how horrible kids are now yeah i partied and did my thing but if my parents found out and they did find out about most of it i got in so much freakin trouble my parents didnt care how old i was theyd whoop my butt. Kids now have no respect or disapline NOTHING. Its pathetic that parents want to be mor eof a friend then a parent if you cant raise your child properly then dont *beep* have them. Maybe if their parents would have been parents they wouldnt be acting like skanks.


lol. ur only months older than the ringleader.


Gee you must be so proud.





Just to clarify for ya, it's about McKinney NORTH HS, not High. I'm a senior at MHS this year, so this was a big deal when it happened last year. It's crazy. We watched the show last night, and although it wasn't entirely accurate, it was creepy to have the whole thing reenacted. My brother goes to SFA and he said that one of the girls tried to rush at his girlfriend's sorority and she got flat out denied. That's hilarious.

