What makes what they did a 'scandal'???

So they were bitchy little whores who posted skanky pix. online and got special treatment b/c, they were cheerleaders happens ALL THE TIME
why is it a big deal????

I just don't really understand why they get a movie
What did they ACTULLY do to make it a 'scandel'???


i want to know to. I keep seeing previews and im going to record the movie on the dvr but im not sure what its about????

You can hate all you want. But you cant break the girl who thinks nothing of you


yeah, when i saw in the title it said 'scandal', I thought they killed someone or something...so stupid...not worth a lifetime documentary.



Because the story got on the news. If the media never got involved, there would be no scandal. Based on the previews, I thought they murdered somebody. Seriously, when the movie started and the coach said she wanted to have a baby, I pictured the girls killing her. I guess that would have made national news though. I never heard of this. They didn't do anything bad enough to make it a real scandal, just a local one.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


It's not what the girls did that made it a scandal, it's that the administration saw that they were terrorizing both students and teachers, and virtually getting away with murder, and yet the administration did nothing.


The story is a scandal because the girls were ALLOWED to behave the way they did.



I was wondering that as well... when I heard, "Texas cheerleader scandal," I thought of the mom who plotted to have her daughter's rival killed back in the 90s...


That lady was crazy!!

I'm Lana's number 1 enemy


That was a good movie though. Great plot just so sad it was a true story.

You can hate all you want. But you cant break the girl who thinks nothing of you.


Its hard to say that this happens "all the time"
Sure you get a single girl here and there that are bitchy little whores, but they generally get punished in some ways, this was a group of girls that were allowed to act that way. and one of the girls parent was the principal so they never got in trouble.

And for the other people "Scandal" doesnt just mean murder.
Its pretty much includes anything shocking.
I missed part of the movie so I dont know if this was included, but supposedly the real girls took the coaches cell phone and sent racy text messages to people, including her husband and another teacher, thats pretty shocking and scandalous.

And why cant they make a movie about it? Even if it wasnt a real thing it can still qualify as a movie plot. . a school overrun with nasty girls. . I didnt see anyone going "why did this plot get a movie?" when Mean Girls came out.

Dollhouse - Mondays - Jan 2009
Tomb Raider Underworld - Nov 2008


The story happened to break at exactly the correct time because it tapped into concerns people have currently. It worries people because they are starting to see the monsters that they have created, without even realizing it...


It's a scandal that should NEVER have been publicized by the news media. All this did was make them feel even more "famous." Let's see how long before some of them make it to the skanky nude magazines. Playboy's to classy (I hope) but I bet the others have already offered them deals.


To answer your question... first you must know the definition of "scandal"

scandal;skændl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [skan-dl] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, -daled, -dal;ing or (especially British) -dalled, -dal;ing.

1. a disgraceful or discreditable action, circumstance, etc.
2. an offense caused by a fault or misdeed.
3. damage to reputation; public disgrace.
4. defamatory talk; malicious gossip.
5. a person whose conduct brings disgrace or offense.

Nothing in there about murder... ANYTHING could be considered a "scandal"... also, you don't know the "whole story" to say weither or not there is more to the story, the parents/administrators could have been more involved than was depicted in the film.
