high school scandals

aybody else have some stories about high school scandals. i was wrting a screenplay about something that happened at riverdale county, but the person i was getting my nfo from flaked on me big time before she could tell me the whole story so i was thinking maybe someone on here has there own high school scandals they can tell me about.



Me and one of my friend walked in on our middle school principle banging the 6th grade social studies teacher. He went from principle to janitor in one day. No kidding! We didn't tell on him or anything just opened the door said oh my god and closed it but his secretary had seen when I opened it.

Also a friend of mine who I've mentioned in another posted that moved to Alaska from Arkansas to get away from teasing but encountered the same thing there so moved back was overheard telling me something about killing someone, like along the lines of saying "omg I could just kill him for that." And next day the police were there questioning people and they raided his house and he was expelled even after I was like he was kidding it was a turn of phrase but no one believed it and off he went. He's mother called me while the police were there and they found absolutely nothing but the next day at school they said they found a hit list and guns and blah blah blah all kinds of made up stuff.

I have more if you want.... I had a very active school... It was fun...


lol okay tell me more i really like that second story

lick it up baby.lick.it.up.


When I was in 7th or 8th grade me and a friend were trying to explain existentialism to someone else for a class they had the next period and the teacher of the health class we were in over heard bits and pieces of the conversation and asked me and my friend to run a errand to the office and while we were gone told the entire class that they shouldn't listen to us because we were witches and we worshipped the Devil. The witch rumor stuck with me all the way to my senior year. I really didn't try hard to disprove the rumor because I thought it was hilarious.

There is a street that runs through the back part of the campus when I was in school where the buses would park and one time when I was in the 9th grade a bus had hit a chicken on the road (like I said before I’m from Arkansas we have chicken road kill) later that day me and 4 of my closest friends were called in the office and asked not to perform our witchcraft rituals on school ground because it’s trespassing after school hours. When one of my friends let out “what the *beep* are you talking about?” They brought up the chicken in the road and I said “wouldn’t it be more like that the chicken were hit by a car or a bus?” Mr. Walker (Vice principle) said “I thought about that but I got a good look at the chicken and I know what you did, and don’t do it again or you’re expelled.” Of course we got curious about what he had seen that made it some satanic ritual and not just road kill so when we went and look the thing was totally smushed so we still don’t know what happened to the chicken but we named it Clucky and made a little memorial for it with flowers and cards saying how much we would miss it.

When I was a senior they left every thing of mine out of the yearbook except my senior picture because in my senior will and testament I said I Sara being of perverse mind and used body do hereby leave Mrs. Weather the finger. She was a real b****.

I took choir as an elective in junior high and me and my friends spent most of the class hanging out in the robe closet where according to the choir director she heard chanting and maniacal laughter coming from. I assure you we were just sitting in there either sleeping or rocking out to Nirvana .

I still have more. I have more racey ones with student-teacher relations but wasn't sure if you'd care for those.


earlier this year, I was sitting in my fifth period French class, trying to decide which conjugation I should use for the verb 'etre' for my assignment, and our principal, Mr. Dolan, comes on the announcements and says that the school is now going into lockdown, and that this is not a drill. My French teacher was really upset about this(and who wouldn't, there could be psycho shooting up the school), and she was almost crying, and all thirty of us were shoved into the furthest corner from any windows or doors, which was really cramped, and she pretty much forced us to pray. About forty minutes later, Mr. Dolan came back on the PA system, and said that we could leave the building, and that the police had found who they were looking for, and that no one got hurt.

After school, I was talking to my friend Josh, and he said that it was a bomb threat made by one of the students. This student apparently made a bomb and was going to blow up the school, but he told one of his friends, and she told the principal. The senior student was arrested and expelled. But about a week later, my older brother, who knows this student, told me that all the "bomb" was a broken iPod taped to a water bottle. So obviously it was just a joke gone wrong, and he was let back at school.

I thought it was really stupid of him, considering that he's graduating this year, and causing a lockdown(even as a joke) won't impress universities or colleges.


Just Goggle "Kingwood High School" and whatever crime you want to read about. You'll find enough stories for screenplays galore; from the girls who called themselves the "Queens of Armed Robbery" and who were the inspiration for the movie "Sugar & Spice", to my graduating class' valedictorian didn't graduate with us because he was suspended for six days two days before graduation for hiring a stripper to come to his physics class (she did, dressed as a cop). Recently a group of young men were caught digging up early 20th century children's graves in order to use the skulls for smoking pot. More funny than truely "criminal" is the alumni who became an adult film star using a former classmates name.

Kingwood is a wealthy area of Houston with kids who have nothing to do but create their entertainment and typically enough money to afford more expensive, if elicit, activities.

Here are a few samples. There are plenty more if you dig around a little.


