So do they get punished

Or do they just get away with all their crap like cheerleaders always do because nobody wants to be unpopular with them?


they got punished alright. I heard Brooke got put into an alternative school.


Most cheerleaders have to fight for respect.
I don't know what tv show you've been watching, but here in real life we aren't the popular crowd and we don't get away with everything.
We're normal athletes.
So please don't assume, unless you are a cheerleader or have met EVERY single one.


They were the popular, mean kids when I was in school. The same ones 7th to 12th grade. Maybe it's different some places?


naw, all cheerleaders are like that.


Most cheerleaders have to fight for respect.

I attended four high schools, was a cheerleader at each school (and in college), and never had to "fight for respect"... respect/admiration was kind of automatically (and undeservedly) bestowed on cheerleaders.

I don't know what tv show you've been watching, but here in real life we aren't the popular crowd and we don't get away with everything.

Maybe that's just at your school?

We're normal athletes.

I agree with this.

So please don't assume, unless you are a cheerleader or have met EVERY single one.

I was a cheerleader for 10 years (9-19) and I still disagree with most of your post... but maybe your school is just different than the ones I attended.

"The only thing I expect out of lawyers is that they be back in their coffins by sunup."


naw they didn't really get punished. Brooke went to new school.

what would Buffy do?


The cheerleaders in the High School I attended were somewhat like the ones portrayed in the movie...

-They hung around mainly with each other,
-If you weren't at least an aquaintance of one of them, don't bother trying out next year cuz you wouldn't make it,
-They all dated a football player or no one at all.

They weren't as mean as the, "Fab Five" but they were just as snobby.

Here's to those who wish me well...


That's all they got? suspension? They should have been imprisoned.


~ I thought those bitches should have gotten more than suspension.



It would be more… prudent for you not
to be my friend. But I’m tired of trying
to stay away from you,Bella.

Edward Cullen of Twilight.


my school is too broke to afford cheerleaders. and they did try to get some cheerleaders back but there were only like 4 girls that were interested lol.


Totally agree with you, Ducane! These girls were beyond mean, they were downright nasty! I can't believe any school administrator would let a child, let alone a group of children "rule their school".



they got kicked off the squad
which to a texas high school cheerleader is a fate worse than death
