MovieChat Forums > Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal (2008) Discussion > tired of people saying 'o this happens e...

tired of people saying 'o this happens every where'

Ok, This is really *beep* annoying i am so sick and tired of people saying that this is common and happens everywhere. Im 19 and i graduated in 06 so i think i know what im talking about. Ya girls post slutty pictures on myspace, and yes everyone in high school is drinking(trust me parents 90% of high schoolers drink) but to say that there is still the "popular" group is wrong maybe these people think they are cuz theres a group like that but if one of them said or did anything to me like those girls i would have kicked there spoiled ass. What these girls did was unimaginable and they adults who were in charge should have been fired and sued, let along because they are responsible for everything those girls did and if they hurt anyone emotionaly, physically they could be in for a horrible lawsuit.So i think it is really ignorant that these girls still have not recieved the punishment they deserve, that people are still letting these girls get away with what they did and anyone saying o this happens every where your only enabling them to do it again.



It does. Its just that some schools don't take that sh!t.

Also its not everyday where your mom is the principal at your high school.




These girls should have been tossed in a juvenile detention center and the mother in jail. ~ I agree




I think these little tramps should have been placed in the military. Let them talk that crap to some DI's.

~Don't spit your gum in the toilet. It makes it taste funny.~


Hahaha you think this doesn't happen at most schools? Maybe not to this extreme but there are definitely the Mean Girls everywhere you go... many of them happen to be cheerleaders but not always. And 90% of high schooler's drink? Really? I'm only 22 but back when I was in high school I would maybe say 70% tops. I can even see how much worse kids are getting these days. I am hearing about 13 year olds having sex and doing drugs and while some of them did that stuff when I was in high school it was no where NEAR the same amount. I personally never drank or did anything until 2 weeks before graduation and even then it was just a one time thing until I was in college. A lot of my friends were the same although we did have a few "rebels". To say it is annoying that people say this happens everywhere is just ignorant or you were probably part of the group that did this kind of crap. It happens everywhere but it happens to different degrees.

Oh and whoever said it must be easy getting away with stuff with a parent as a principal... it depends on the parent. My mother is the superintendent of my entire district, has been since I was in 5th grade. I was friends with the principals son and went to school with my state senators daughter and son. As far as I know none of them, nor I, did any crap like this nor would it have been tolerated. The principal here was just a pushover and wanting to please her daughter who knew how to walk all over her.


Texans take cheerleading far far too seriously.
Remember the case of a mother trying to hire a hitman to kill someone so her daughter gould get on a squad.
That was texas also.

And in a year or few we'll be hearing another story about out of controll cheerleaders, a murder to get on a squad or something similar out of texas.
Because texans take high school cheerleading far far too seriously.


I think the OP is right. They didn't mean that people aren't this mean, messed up, etc in real life. I'm pretty sure they meant that people getting away with completely outrageous things because their mother is the principal isn't that common.

Giselle, fool.


What's rare is that this happened in such a small town, usualy smaller towns are less corrupt.

It's never a big deal when this stuff happens in L.A.

"All the old familiar places"


I'm pretty sure they meant that people getting away with completely outrageous things because their mother is the principal isn't that common.

Actually, that is pretty common. The principal's kids school either get punished for everything or never get punished, but that are seldom treated like the other kids.

To the OP: I will grant you that this brutal behavior is more common amongst middle school kids than high school kids, but to deny that their behavior is common is just ignorant. Did you go to school in a bubble?


I agree somewhat. The principal's kids are either watched like a hawk or give n too much freedom, it all depends on the people. But to say that bad behavior like this is common is not true. Every school has a group of popular mean girls, who are sometimes cheerleaders, who sometimes act out. But the level of shock and outrage in comments from high school kids from around the country i've read all over the internet about this story proves that these girls and their mom were above the norm in terms of outrageousness. And cheerleaders.. whew! Are they mad these girls acted the way they did, giving a bad name to good girl cheerleaders all over the place! I guess there are as many preppy well liked academic popular cheerleader girls out there as well! One girl said that her cheer squad spends their free time doing carwashes, charity events, and working in soup kitchens.. heh.. but while this type of behavior may be common in certain schools among certain groups of kids, the comments say to me that these fab five must have been really bad..
