From a teacher's perspective

I am glad they made the movie because I am a teacher and I can only imagine going through what Coach Carr went through. I teacher elementary and there ARE kids who try to get away with talking to teachers in an inappropriate way. I know what it feels like to have an administration that does not back you up with discipline problems and fortunately also know what it is like to have an administration that does. People need to watch this movie and be outraged by an administration that would allow such behavior and by teachers who would just sit back and let it happen. The problem was not in the students but in how much they were allowed to get away with. That principal deserved to be fired and exposed so that other administrative faculty will be more weary of letting such things happen in their school.


I so agree, and as someone who teaches at colleges - same thing happens there.


i have to agree with you too (as someone who works at a school and with parents as teachers). people are so much more likely to place the blame on the adults vs. students. kids from elementary school to high school, arent as naive as one would like to think! they know if a teacher or adult on staff does something that pisses them off, that they have the power of getting the teacher removed! as much as i enjoy working with kids, i dont blame people for not wanting to get into education anymore. with violence at schools, crappy pay, and knowing what a student says, can make or break you!

this all reminds me of something my idiot cousin did. she was angry at her step father for not allowing her to go out somewhere, so she called the police and said he hit her....

another thing that happened to someone i know. a friend of the family was in a serious relationship with a mother who had 2 teenage kids. the teenage daughter was really out of control and manipulative. she wanted the mother's boyfriend to give her money, but he refused. she ended up going to the police and at her high school and said that he has been having sex with her (he has never put a finger on her).

although charges got dropped because the girl admitted she lied, he was suspended from work until charges got cleared (he was a special ed high school teacher). although he is innocent, now he has to explain his gap from work, and unfortunately, many people feel where there is smoke, theres fire.


I agree with you. I USED to be a teacher. The behaviour displayed by the Fab Five is not uncommon, although they went to extremes. I have had administrators that did not back up and that is a serious problem because the kids know this, therefore they know that they can be away with bad and disprectful behaviour. This was obviously the case in the movie, the girls knew they were "untouchable" and therefore did not choose to behave in an acceptable manner. The problem is that boundaries are not placed on kids. When I was in high school, there were kids that weren't angels but they almost always had a line that they would not cross.

I do not blame the teachers that were portrayed in the movie. If administration and central office refuses to provide consequences then there is nothing that a teacher can do. A teacher can not be a vigilante, they are powerless, and that is a lawsuit wating to happen.

What I wonder is why other students put up with this. Why didn't they take matters into their own hand. In the scene were the girl answers her cell phone in class, the rest of the class seemed a bit annoyed and put out with her. Also, under normal circumstances, that teacher is one that I am sure had a tight grip on her classes. She is one that students do not normally mess with.


I agree completely! I substitute teach in the area where I live and I once had a girl answer a phone in class. Thankfully, the administration was wonderful. I've had the chance to teach at most of the junior highs and high schools in the district I live in and I'm fortunate to have never experienced the type of disregard and such from administration.


Movies like this just reinforce why I believe there shouldn't be a Public School System.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"


lol how so? If your mom runs the private school, there's not even a district office or government board that you can whistle-blow to, it's just the price of working there.

In the end, the system worked (the free press in this case was the final watch dog that protected the system). Many people were fired and the school cleaned house. Personally though, I really think our government should be restructured so that whistle blowers are completely protected (or can be guaranteed an equal paying job and a transfer if the climate in that job is now too hostile). I've worked several government jobs and people on the inside always know when there's corruption, but they don't want to loose their job if they blow the whistle so they say nothing.

