Did anyone record this?

Since LIFETIME didn't advertise this and isn't streaming it from their site and there is no release date for a DVD, I imagine there are a lot of people like me that missed out. Maybe you can sell copies since Lifetime is doing nothing to get this out properly.


Yeah,I recoreded it.


Can you post it online so people not in the United States can watch it?


Lifetime advertised it over a month in advance (pretty much after each one of their shows because I was getting sick of the previews). I imagine they'll be rerunning it again in a month or two, since they've showed it several times over the last few weeks. I just checked my DVR and it won't be on in the next two weeks, but if I see it in the near future, I'll post it here.


They should advertise on other channels to reach a wider audience. What good is it to advertise to the audience they already have watching the channel?


Hey Heather,this'll re-air a week from Sunday(8/24)--check your local listings
for time!!!!!!!


It is strange that usually after a movie comes on TV that you can find a torrent of it to download, but this movie is an exception. You can't find it anywhere online to watch or download so the only thing you can really do is wait for it to come back on TV.


It aired twice today on superchannel.


its on right now.


REALLY? Damn I wish I saw it. I checked they're website and they don't play it anymore. I always miss out on this film. Even when it's playing in Canada.
