What the girls 'did'....

When I read alot of the comments here, alot of what the girls "did" and what they deserved etc etc seems to come back to the photos of them on myspace and things like that.

I don't understand that. So they showed their panties big deal or did some sexually suggestive photos.. big deal. In a way, that's a good thing.. having confidence in your body. It's not the best thing (a bit trashy), but it doesn't make someone good or bad. It's quite normal.

What the girls "did" that was bad, was how they treated people. How they rejected anyone who didn't see things the way they did inside their "we are so cool" bubble. Manipulating everything to suit their will. Being arrogant and cocky about it. Beating up classmates that spoke bad about them. Spreading false rumours. Rejecting all authority. Cheating on exams. Generally making the life of everyone else around them a living hell. The list goes on. Being psycho bitches basically.

I don't know the real life story, and all the details. I am talking about the characters in the movie.

One thing that irritates me about imdb boards it's the "looks like" topics. Never even close.
