*scandalous* pictures ?

I'm actually somewhat curious about the scandalous pictures that the cheerleaders took. Does anyone know anything about them, have seen them, etc. ?


They may have been taken out due to censorship by the board.


As far as I know from reading the news reports, in real life the girls took pictures of themselves posing with penis shaped candles at a condom shop while in school uniform. One of the girls was simulating oral sex on one of the candles.

the IMDb user formerly known as LuminousMeanGirl


|(P Yuck!


Do you think they're even still on the internet?


doubt it....


ah too bad.


once there on the internet its impossible to get off. someone has a copy some where.


"As far as I know from reading the news reports, in real life the girls took pictures of themselves posing with penis shaped candles at a condom shop while in school uniform. One of the girls was simulating oral sex on one of the candles"
thats it? talk about making mountains out of molehills...


Tons of schools have rules about what you can and cannot do in a school uniform. Those girls probably violated a signed agreement.
"Evie ate the key and we can't get it back till she poo's it out"
Driving Lessons


i'd like to see that


I don't think it was really that the pictures were THAT scandalous, they were basically just sexualish. The reason it was a big deal was cause the clothes tey were wearing had the school's name on it.


Sexualish? Is that you, "Dubya"?


that cracked me the *beep* up.

WayIeroWayBryarToro, five amazing people.
One amazing band.


Check out http://www.zimbio.com/McKinney+Cheerleaders/pictures for some of the original pictures and background on the disciplinary action.


I do think the whole thing was blown out of proportion. I understand that there were control problems as well as administrative problems and that was the crux of the issue, but as for the kids themselves, well, you have to expect some of their behavior. First of all, they were a group of rich, spoiled brats who had probably never had any real problems in their entire lives. Second of all, as far as the photo goes, they probably thought the whole thing was funny. It's creepy from an adult perspective because we see them as kids, but do you think that's how they saw themselves? No kid fully understands the emotional jump between 16 and 18 until they get there. And the fact is, while not all cheerleaders are slutty, slutty girls do tend to gravitate towards the cheerleading squad. So yes, they were wrong, and yes, it made the school look bad, but no one would've cared if these girls were all going to a public school.

What's a bigger deal is that other people were paying good money to send their kids to that school, and you can bet that the other kids did not receive the same treatment. Well, how is that reasonable? I'm going to spend a fortune to guarantee my kid a good education, but the principal's kid and her friends are allowed to get away with murder and my kid has to behave or else risk expulsion.


Don't forget that even when the administration attempted to discipline these girls, some of the parents would throw around their financial and legal weight to keep their little darlings from facing the consequences of their actions. congratulations, Mom, you've raised a little monster that thinks she can do whatever she wants to anyone, including adults. I mostly blame the parents for this, these kind of parents are the stuff of nightmares for good educators, because they absolutely hamstring them from being able to teach and keep order in their classrooms. Who pays? Good teachers that get burned out and the rest of our kids whose education and emotional safety at school is compromised by kids who treat others with contempt.

And whether or not these pictures weren't "so bad", a school has to have rules or there will be chaos. And the rules are only as good as they are enforced. On what planet is it okay to drink in the parking lot, beat up other kids, walk out of class at will, blatantly use a cell phone in class, disrupt said class, and show up in clothes that would shame a prostitute?

They've got a cave troll!


wasnt it a big deal cuz they were under the age you have to be to go into a adult store? or is there no age

<3icanhardlybreath, something been telling me </3 telling me maybehecouldbetheone<3


obviously you have to be 18 to go into a sex shop, but weather they were or not wasn't the issue. And I agree, the parents are to blame for the upbringing of these miscreants. However, girls constantly do this, especially on myspace, while they're under age (posting photos of them in thongs and tiny-tees that say provocative things) and that is their own decision. Of course they had to sign an agreement of what they can and cannot do in uniform, and clearly that was a legal document signed by the girls in cheer and their parents that was broken. I would have still been sad if they had done what they did without their uniforms on, but I doubt it would have been such an issue. It's a good thing it came out because I'm confident the real girls involved have learned and grown so much from that experience. There are some things people can't just tell you or advise you, you have to learn for yourself and they got a huge slap of reality.


i think the video wasnt that bad. i mean considering the amount of girls that go into clubs and pubs underage. i know the pub i go to the bouncer lets in girls that in no way could be 18 (leqaal drinking age in my country) and that in my view is worse than joking around in a sex shop. what the girls did at the school was worse than the video. bashing students, drinking on grounds, doing what they want in class and getting away with it and manipulating the teachers. i mean these are the type of girls you see at school and think.... well we know where theyre going.... (porn, hookers etc.)... oh and i find it funny how these idiot school kids do something like this and post it on the internet not expecting anyone to see it.... idiots.




...........Their pretty tame!


"Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

