Oh please

You can only get away with that bullsh!t in surburbia...these girls make me laugh cuz they actually think they are tough oh please these skinyn little white bitches should come to my school on 135th street...I hate movies like these its like they try to make them seem intimidating...but its just hilarious...dumb hoes

I love you...could that THING have cared for you like me?



well, i know a lot of schools that are a lot tougher too, but I guess in cities like that, that is tough, people are gonna be scared.

but if girls like that are considered a threat, i wonder how people will react when the joker comes to their town.lol


I know this movie just hits the wrong nerve and me..like right now this girl is crying cuz of something they said to her...oh please I would have jumped over desks and knocked her ass out I mean come on now....and in my school if girls were walking around dressed like that the other girls would of jumped them in a heartbeat. (yea my schools not too nice lol)

I love you...could that THING have cared for you like me?



I know this movie just hits the wrong nerve and me..like right now this girl is crying cuz of something they said to her...oh please I would have jumped over desks and knocked her ass out I mean come on now....and in my school if girls were walking around dressed like that the other girls would of jumped them in a heartbeat. (yea my schools not too nice lol)

Hopefully you're aware that if you do this in real life as an adult, you could get charged for assault and actually have to get in trouble for being ridiculous, right?


How am I a racist

I love you...could that THING have cared for you like me?



-I'm sure they're joking, everyone likes to cry "racist" especially on these boards, it usually sarcastic. I totally agree with you however, these dumb bitches are a complete joke thinking they're tough, as I'm watching it seeing them slap this girl around, I was like uhm punch the whore back?

"Death by stereo" -The Lost Boys



I know! I went to high school in NYC, and if any of these bitches even thought of acting the way they did, they would've been smacked down in an instant.

"You! Cake or death!"
"Cake please."
"Very well...give him cake."

