
Freedom means being responsible - as one reviewer said, too much freedom by parents results in this kind of situation, or as the film crawl for Comcast states, "[bad] behavior without consequence", but the truth is that there are always consequences for bad behavior, whether it comes in the form of being expelled from school, acquiring a sexually transmitted disease, or worse...

And, some teens here might not understand that a "morals charge" or anything on a person's school or employment record that has to do with immoral behavior (as in the case of the school's Principal who was fired) is VERY bad news for a person's future - as the other teachers said in the film, let the girls try to enroll at a big school (college or university) with that on their record - chances are they'd be denied, and even in certain careers (anything to do with children) they'd likely be denied certain kinds of employment because of their immoral behavior, since the adult world determines that that sexual immorality is not just limited to one act or one time - and usually that is true...

As for cheerleaders, if I had a daughter, I'd make sure my wife and I were in agreement that it's not for a teenager (or anyone else for that matter) - she could be involved in sports (track, volleyball, softball, cycling, etc.), but not cheerleading since there are just too many moral issues that seem to go along with it...

Sure, most high school cheerleaders are good-hearted and mean well, and are usually the students with good grades and willing to volunteer in their community, but some let it get to them and for certain the boys let it get to them, so cheerleading is better left to it's own - as said, it's not for my daughter...

And - as someone who follows professional sports, it's usually the "Las Vegas" type of women who become professional cheerleaders (NFL, etc.), and it's no secret that at least some of them have had other "related careers" (as in prostitution), so again not for my daughter - life is too short to waste on something that's going to get a person in trouble...

