MovieChat Forums > Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal (2008) Discussion > In real life did it become the Fab Four?...

In real life did it become the Fab Four? Was one of them really dropped?

I was just curious, if anyone knows did the boyfriend thing really happen?

T~O '07


This is the same question I ask to myself...

But maybe they made that part up and the fifth girl just...left/stopped hanging out with them.



I think they did because if it was a true story, why would they change it?
I mean it's possible that they could've, but I don't think they did.


Most movies that say they are based on "true stories" are only loosely based on fact. That means the writers are allowed to make up facts, characters and dialog to make the movie move interesting, otherwise they'd be documentaries. It's sort of the difference between reading a biography and historical fiction. Only the people who actually are acquainted with the real people and events can tell you what is fact and what is made up. If you google Linda Theret you'll be able to read some news reports about what happened.


it did happen
one girl cheated on another's boyfriend and they kicked her out


But the boyfriend had told her they'd broken up.

I think it's so annoying how Women over react to that sort of thing


im just glad one of them realized what psychotic 8itches they were being

The worst day is the one in which we have not laughed.


where is jalen rose?

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


I noticed that part of this topic hadn't yet been answered by any of the previous repliers. First of all whether or not the boyfriend thing happened I don't know but even if it didn't something similar (or many things similar even) likely did happen given all the trouble these cheerleaders were causing. Now throughout the movie I noticed that despite the title it was usually shown to be a group of only four girls instead of five. I've researched the real story which happened at Mckinney North High School in Texas and have a theory of why that might be. There were five of them in real life but since one of them was black while the other four were white the film makers might have thought that if they included her she would stand out and be seen and treated stereotypically for those watching, reading about or just handling the real case. It does seem like when it comes to minorities in the USA the governmental authorities in this era have a thing for sparring them any humiliation they might face when the trouble they cause is publicized. I mean look at what happened last year in the elections such as that between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts. Discrimination sure is a horrible thing but it seems so many people disregard how non-minorities also face it sometimes!

Long live the 80's!
