What a load of bull

First off let me start by saying Im from Texas, Im a guy and I lived in the area when this happened(still do). I did see this on the news. This movie goes way way out there to try and make these girls into horrible people. This was one womans crusade, the cheer leading coach. She handed in her resignation then tried to back out of it(could have been due to the affair no info on this was released). The movie is completely one sided. I am not saying the girls didnt do anything wrong, Im saying this went back and forth. Both sides were to blame and the movie makes the coach out to be a paranoid schitzophrenic. Everyone is out to get her? If this movie is true she needs to check into a mental hospital. The affair was probably the real deal and the kids probably didnt send the txt msg. The entire movie was made to portray these girls as hell on wheels.

It wasnt what the movie makes it out to be. I dont recall if the principal was fired or not but if that was the case it was due to her letting so much go on under her supervision such as the affair, this is a high profile school. The girls were also not drinking alcohol in a public store. A lot of this movie is just made up bull, pull the news articles yourself. This coach went after the girls because they brought up the affair to get back at her. As I said it was back and forth both parties were to blame but I blame the coach the most for having the affair. Shouldnt do it if you dont want people to know. When that happened it was the coach and the male teacher against the girls. And any of their friends so of course there is no telling what was made up or said in the investigation. My experience is with investigations is that if they have to have one the person in charge is already in trouble. So it may not have been the principals fault.


oh you so funny! .... and nonsensical!
If THAT's what you get from the movie, sounds to me you must be REALLY close to the fab5 if not right in lol


I find the movie MUCH easier to believe than your post. Things like this DO happen. And three of my friends from high school, who moved to Texas around six years ago, actually told me how accurate the movie was. I was skeptical at first, but the more I read, the more true it seems. My guess is that you are probably like one of the spoiled rotten teens.

I belong to the hurricane


I think youre full of crap and a troll. I told you to read the REAL news articles for the truth and you tell me Im full of crap? Are you handicapped?


Dude, you are so full of it.

It's nobody's business but ours.


You were not here to watch the news. You didnt read all of the articles. You see a biased sensationalist film and believe it. Im 100% correct on what happened because I read the news articles and part of the police reports. Anyone who disagrees with me is trolling.


Anyone who disagrees with you is a troll?

"When you're on the Titanic, you load the lifeboats; you don't stop to yell at the iceberg."


I grew up in Texas and lemme tell you... this wasn't the only school district that had this problem. My high school guess what male principle female daughter enrolled there. She was caught for DRUGS not a minor amount either like dealing drugs that's the only reason he resigned! That girl got away with everything! Parents in Texas I noticed like to be their kids friends. That's not parenting! I have NO problem believing this. In fact I think the OP was probably either an ex boyfriend or close friend of the Fatal Five... there was nothing Fab about those girl.


I think this movie is entirely accurate. Those who attended and worked at McKinney North at the time all have different opinions about the girls and if they either were not as mean in real life or even meaner than in the movie but enough research was done to determine exactly what happened and why it was publicized nationally and then made into a movie about two years later. You who started this discussion don't think that the girls sent that text message? How do you know that? It is so pathetic to think that was the whole inspiration for the coach taking the matter to the media. Did you happen to know to know that five other coaches quit in one year alone before Michaela Ward was offered the position? Did EACH of them also have suggestive text messages sent to their spouses? As for what happened to the principal (the ringleaders's mother) she eventually agreed to resign in exchange for $75,000 and a letter of recommendation. Her vice principal resigned as well but I haven't found out what became of him following this mess. It's a major problem in this age all over America how our authorities are so often getting away with abusing their power and ruining the system!

Long live the 80's!
