Letter to Gaspar

Dear Gaspar, can I call you Gaspar? You seem like you’d be cool with it.

I have never been compelled to write a review on IMDB until I saw your film Enter the Void.

Let me start with the one compliment I have for this film; I enjoyed the opening credits. The rest of the film disgusted me, and not because of the explicit sex and violence, as I like both Pink Flamingos and Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, but because of pretentious and repetitive use of shock factor that is mostly exploitive of the female characters.

The first problem of this film is that it fails to create any pathos between the characters and the audience. I don’t know who is more painful to listen to Oscar or his sister Linda. Oscar sounded like the missing third member of Beavis and Butthead, while Linda portrayed the voice of a talking American Apparel ad. All jokes aside, because neither of the characters made me feel any emotion, it didn’t matter to me that Oscar died or Linda was suffering through his death. Because Noé (don’t mind if I switch to third person) couldn’t create interesting characters or apparently direct the actors, he had to turn to an exploitive storyline, the death of their parents. He showed images of the crash, over and over again, in order to compensate for his lack of pathos. Of course I felt sorry for the traumatized children, but it didn’t make me identify with the present characters at all. Alex was the only character who was well directed in the film, but maybe he just has natural eurotrash talents.

The most disturbing part of this film was Noé’s attempt to film sex. Firstly, Linda-- aka white girl who goes to Tokyo and is offered a job as a stripper the first night of her trip—was obviously exploited. The sex scene between her and “Mario” (really—that’s his name?) was merely an excuse to show off her ‘edgy’ stripper uniform with matching heels. Throughout the film, Noé kept on showing her in minimal clothes with her breasts falling out in front of her brother to try and suggest incest, another failed exploitive repetition. Of course she becomes pregnant, and apathetically has an abortion. In the version that I saw, Noé explicitly shows the abortion and the fetus. Why Noé… are you trying to shock my virgin eyes? I would have been more shocked if you had actually portrayed any sort of emotion that one might feel when they suffer through this experience. All of the women in this film, running around in their stripper uniforms, were actually made un-sexy because Noé doesn’t know how to film women. He thinks that showing every part of their bodies is somehow interesting. I guess he hasn’t realized that suggested sexuality, unlike porn, can often be more exciting. I felt the most disgusted by his portrayal of the docile Japanese characters in the film. Linda’s stripper friend seemed to serve as exotic eye candy, there only to have exploitive lesbian sex with Linda…she had no depth! In fact all of the Japanese characters, men and women, barely spoke and only seemed to just ‘be there.’ Finally, I’m pretty sure Noé has attended a Freud 101 course while he received his Bac in France. The obvious obvious mother complex between Oscar and anyone with breasts was embarrassing. I have to admit that I felt like a 13 year old boy because I literally started laughing during the Love Hotel sequence. I felt sorry for Paz de la Huerta who had to repeatedly record her ‘orgasm voice’ so that Noé could use it as a voice over during this sequence. I truly didn’t understand this sequence… was I supposed to be turned on or disgusted…. Either way I was neither one nor the other… FAIL!

Regarding the computer graphics that were used in order to create the light effects, I felt that you went wayyyyy overboard. Gaspar… you should check out Millennium Mambo if you are interested in lighting technique.

To conclude, this film failed to incite any emotions at all…. One might say that Gaspar isn’t trying to evoke emotions like typical films, but rather trying to create over the top visuals, which practically poke fun at the audiences need for violence and sex (a la Funny Games) in a sadistic mise en abyme, watch me break the fourth wall manner. But then why create the story of childhood trauma? Maybe Gaspar can explain to me one day…

Yours truly,



Well the first and most critical problem with your letter is that you say, "...this film failed to incite any emotions at all...", yet this is the first film you've seen that you felt compelled to write a review for. Then you wrote a long letter about it...


Really? Couldn't you just disregard the movie and get on with your life? Did you really need to spend that much time writing an in depth hate-mail letter?!

¸.•´. •*´¨).•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´absolute power corrupts absolutely


There is no hate here.... he is just expressing his opinion, how he felt about the movie, thus helping the rest of us forming an opinion about whether to see the movie or not. Absolutely fine.


you are browsing internet message boards and bitching about a letter.

you surely never waste time huh?


I'm with UKbigman91. Who ever wrote this 'letter' isn't the sharpest TOOL in the shed.


go *beep* yourself


lol "freud 101".


Actually I agree with most of the thing you wrote (even me as a male :). It could be interesting movie but it started to be too long too boring, repetitive... I guess you have to be high or tripping to enjoy this movie... :D

ps: I like unordinary movies, but this... suxxx :)


Stop being so angry at a blooming movie.

Cracky is Catharsis



You've never heard of an open letter?


Its your fault not the movie's.
I didnt like it either but I cant agree to any of your points.


Enough with this "exploitation" of women bunk already by the posters on this board!

Strippers make a choice, just like Linda did here. She wasn't on drugs or in desperate need of money. She had a choice to do something else. So don't go blaming men for "exploiting" strippers, at least Linda in this case.

And what about the men who go to the clubs and pay $10 a beer and charged $20 at the door? Then they give cash to the strippers who make a bundle on tips. So who is really being exploited here?? The men? The women? Or both? I say the men are being MORE exploited.

As far as your review... trash. So you think you know art because you've watch a (literally) feces eating film like "Salò". Do you think this film should have had some feces eating in it, then maybe it wouldn't have "failed to incite any emotions at all" for you???

And another thing. You didn't see any "exploitation" in that disgusting film you saw called "Salò"?? There are young girls and boys in there depicted as underage, all being raped for the enjoyment of those pigs.

You have the GALL to state "but because of pretentious and repetitive use of shock factor" after watching a crap eating, pedo rape film like Salò???

You are certainly full of it. But that is your crap tastes, and you're welcome to them.

ROTA Top Foreign Lang. Films: http://www.imdb.com/list/qQvbXmXhhCU/


"Strippers make a choice, just like Linda did here. She wasn't on drugs or in desperate need of money. She had a choice to do something else. So don't go blaming men for "exploiting" strippers, at least Linda in this case."

Not to be nitpicky or anything, but...Linda was on drugs. Ocasr gives her ex when they go to the club, and she seemed drugged up most of the movie. That could just be the way she is tho.

And yea, the "exploiting strippers" thing is pretty tired, and I agree with you, in most cases it is their choice. Maybe not in every case, but in most.

Our Universe is ruled by random whim, inhabited by people who laugh at logic. -Dexter


I don't think she was necessarily "on drugs" when she made her decision to become a stripper. Remember she didn't know what the ex was? And she kept putting Alex down, not wanting him to become a dealer. Then at the end of the movie, remember she BURNED all the drugs leftover from Alex after he had died.

I used drugs as an example for women who are addicts, then become strippers to support their habits (that would be an exploitation). Linda appeared to be a casual user who became a stripper, then started using drugs more after the fact.

Anyway, we're splitting Linda's hairs here. LOL. The whole point is about "exploiting strippers" which we both agree on.

ROTA Top Foreign Lang. Films: http://www.imdb.com/list/qQvbXmXhhCU/


People that champion this film are complete morons. I hate making blanket statements like this, but every now and then they are warranted. There is no 'defense' of this film that isn't laughable. It is absolute trash. Keep up the good work though folks. It is pretty damned entertaining to watch you all struggle so mightily.


"It is absolute trash."

Why? Because you say? Who are you? Why is it trash? Or are you just trolling? How about some supporting arguments to make your case? Or don't you have any?

ROTA Top Foreign Lang. Films: http://www.imdb.com/list/qQvbXmXhhCU/


Its use of sentimental flashbacks destroys any reason for the absurd repetition and the entire 'narrative structure' of the film. We watch the back of this guy's head for hours, and the only reason for this is to put us in his shoes, and then all of a sudden, the film maker realizes that no one in their right mind would give a *beep* about these people so he has a preposterously sentimental flashback sequence in which the characters as children witness their parents violent death. This is repeated for effect I believe three times over. Steven Spielberg wouldn't get away with this kind of cheap shot. I'm not even getting into the overall absence of Noe having anything to say at all. "Life is a void", "death is a void", this man's mind is the only relevant 'void' on display here.


when you go out of your way to critic one of the writers initial film he used as an example, you became the troll


it's sad that you don't realize that, based on this "letter," you may be a bad person.

if you didn't feel any emotion during this film, then you probably are not a human capable of emotional intellect.



I'm a bad person for finding this film to be style over substance?

I'm a bad person for thinking Noe replaced any imagination, ability to connect with the characters and feel emotion with Flashy shots and boobies?

I'm bad for noticing that you can trim an hour off this film and miss nothing at all?

Don't gimme that. This film is too long, has no subtlety and is just another "Why need substance when you can force a gimmick in their face for 160 minutes" film.

When life gives you razor blades, make a baseball bat- Hobo With a Shotgun


I wanted to be upset for the kids. I wanted to believe living a life apart from each other, living from one foster home to the next, really causes people to become detached from people that live straight lives.

Noe doesn't make certain points strong enough because we are led to believe we are tripping the entire time. There are no pathos, because people that are on drugs would rarely acknowledge the concept themselves.

I, too, wish there was something deeper here to tie to me the characters, but it wasn't going to happen.

I liked Irreversible far more.

Don't say it's just a movie. If I thought it was just a movie, I wouldn't have an imdb account.


I don't understand why a movie is supposed to make you feel like your tripping and that's it, when you could just buy some acid and get a much better effect.


Don't say it's just a movie. If I thought it was just a movie, I wouldn't have an imdb account.

Best comment posted on IMDb today!


well you said that the film "disgusted" you. see he achieved what he was going for. thats what Noe does and what he is good at. taking you to the darkest and most disturbing places. calling a director pretentious is some pretentious of yourself. that word is so overused on this site and its really annoying because you could call any director pretentious. just.. delete your account please. dont come back on it.

If you do good, you'll see me one more time. If you do bad, you'll see me.. two more times.



