MovieChat Forums > Enter the Void (2010) Discussion > unfair to psychedelics, unfair to death,...

unfair to psychedelics, unfair to death, unfair to sexuality....

When I first saw this movie, I was blown away, most likely because of the effects that were being used -- the editing, the absolutely masterful sound design (which i will give kudos for), the visuals and the pacing, the shocking elements, the sheer immersive quality of its design.

I watched it a couple more times, still appreciating it, but letting my reactions be less emotional and more thoughtful. The more I did this, the more I began to question if there's some truly sick messages within the film that have disguised themselves with powerful stylistic effects and psychological suggestion.

Its been a a little over a year since I first saw the film, and a lot has happened in this past year that has helped me deeper understand the nature of Fear. Now i am convinced that this is a reproachably unhealthy film, despite its masterful production.

First off, the deep misunderstanding of the psychedelic experience. I suppose this is what happens when you put psychedelics outside the context of nature and in an urban hell, attached to crime and escapism. DMT is a blessed secret of nature that holds keys to infinite beauty, however the film never balanced its presented experience with this truth, rather it connected the psychedelic experience completely to death and trauma, and a false form of death.

Death is a fundamental part of all life and transformation, cells of one's body and neurons in one's brain are dying rapidly at every moment. Death is a part of your living system, and the ultimate perishing of your living system is part of a greater living system. This process is why you get to feel any pleasure or life or love whatsoever. There's deep pleasure within the truth of death.

the "death" that Gaspar Noe is attempting to share secrets about is not death at all: it is FEAR. The entire fantasy of Enter the Void is a weapon of fear that attacks its viewers with assaulting stimuli, a fantasy that embeds misconceptions about the nature of death into those who make the error of surrendering their emotions to this film experience. The idea that your spirit will remain individuated and attached to your grievers is completely false and unnatural, and reinforces our collective psyche's current and historical sickness that is the paralyzing anxiety of dying and the misunderstanding of its role in nature.

Enter the Void streams this lie about death into the fear of psychedelics -- which, I can't speak for france, but in the US there is still a widespread fear about the issue, youth and oldtimers alike. This film, so advertised as a psychedelic visionary experience, actually instead expands the notion that these molecules are demonic and are associated with that which steals life. People fear for their loved ones who choose to consult the psychedelics that they might go too far and not come back; this is a possessive and unreasonable fear that is unsupportive to those who choose such a path. And its this fear that the film confirms rather than attempts to dissolve, by suspending it deep inside what we know as "trauma".

Trauma is unfortunately in the world. People have traumatic experiences, some worse than others. I've had experiences that could be considered traumatic. Anybody who has had to recover from trauma, or knows how to take care of a trauma victim knows that REVISITING AND EXPANDING THE TRAUMATIC MEMORY WORSENS IT!!!!! So why would anyone wish to display trauma, as Noe and his crew have, as being the ultimate reality? And worse, why the *beep* would you position something as powerful as the psychedelic experience among this traumatic effect, relating the two, which anyone who works with these molecules knows how DANGEROUS such an association is? This positioning is the sort of thing that increases likelihood of misunderstood and thus traumatic psychedelic trips by misleading participants about what the molecule is doing to them. Doesn't Noe understand how important it is that we must collectively understand these molecules as medicines that are key to a sane human society and must be decriminalized? Why the hell would he play into the fear-mongers' hands?

The artifice of the film, the stylism that shrouds these deeply hurtful messages, uses hypnotic effects that debilitates one's proper perception of what they're experiencing. Strobing, quick cut editing, shock effect in sound dynamics -- these things have reported to show that they seize the disconnection of the right and left hemispheres of the brain and inhibits their synthesis, a seizing which erodes intuition, interpretation, the grounding of the imagination, the connection with the physical self, everything that a balanced brain is responsible for. They're mickey mouse magic tricks that once blinded me into feeling Enter the Void was the best film I've ever seen. It's all an illusion, folks.

As for sexuality, there's another thread on here that runs pretty long about the film's homophobia. However it's not just homosexuality that the film is unfair too, but all sexuality. All sex depicted in this film is basically inorganic and disgusting, the kind of "lower function" that Christian and Freudian intellect has attempted to program into the collective "educated" psyche. I could go on, but really its the same lies about sex that are being told about psychedelics and death as well, and I've all ready gone over them.

Everything about this film is a lie and a trick and its agenda is fear. The death it presents is nothing but a deeply perverted illusion. I would suggest not supporting it.


what makes you such an expert on death? have you died before or something? my point being is that no one knows what happens in death, so for you to say that it is represented wrongly in this film is a major contradiction. nobody knows what happens when we die. as for the sex and drug use, i dnt really understand what you are trying to say. that it is represented wrongly again? its just sex and drugs, they go hand in hand. there is no right or wrong way to show sex or drug use in films. its just how they happen in life, which might not be how you are used to them happing, but dosnt mean that they are wrongfully portrayed.


I stopped taking you seriously when you said "Anybody who has had to recover from trauma, or knows how to take care of a trauma victim knows that REVISITING AND EXPANDING THE TRAUMATIC MEMORY WORSENS IT!!!!!"

You have absolutely no idea about how PTSD, trauma, and even sexual abuse/trauma is treated. Are you suggesting that one sweeps in under the rug? WRONG. You face it head on and deal with it.

Look, you're articulate and put up an interesting observation. And I can absolutely see how you're trying to keep fear separate from death, but that's human nature.

Enjoy the subjective thing that is art.


Yeah I was with the OP on everything else, but in that aspect s/he was dead wrong. You overcome trauma and fear by confronting it head on. It is the only path to recovery and growth.


That's just ignorant, plenty of people have tried to die and come back to tell the tale. Ever heard of NDE's? NDE accounts tell a similar tale as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, however everyone who knows enough about NDE's and other research into the state of being dead knows that Enter the Void has mistaken the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

But that's alright, it's still a beautiful and stunning movie.


you raise multiple questions at the same time, some of which are only a matter of personal belief and cannot be confirmed by any objective analysis. there is much contradiction in your thoughts also, one example of which is how you describe what is the proper way of dealing with traumatic experience. according to you, a human is merely an animal, a survivor human is there to only continue his life no matter what; at the same time you write that there is more than life and all of the life experience is petty compared to the great beyound.

my vote history:



I can just say AMEN to the OP, I couldnt have said it better and this is pretty much why I hate this film so much.

Some people might be blown away by the effects, others by the theme of dying and rebirth but I also think this film is *beep* up on so many levels that many people dont really understand.


It's a portrayal of LIFE and DEATH, not gaspar noes agendas about psychedelics and fear. I think you just watched this movie without the capacity to actually understand it and had a bad trip from some some drugs you watched it on. Gaspar Noe very clearly understands psychedelics as anyone experienced with them captures their effects more accurately than anything else I've ever seen on film (and yeah, of course I saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A lot of people watch that movie on psychedelics despite it being about 'Fear and Loathing.')Most people do drugs as a form of escapism, even though in the long run they only do the opposite. If done without an attitude of escapism but instead of introversion, the effect is obviously different and possibly beneficial. I do not advocate the use of drugs.

You talk so much about death too, and I doubt you've even read the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Also, to not associate DMT with death and birth is asinine because I'm sure you know a *beep* load of DMT is released in your brain when you die (and when you are born).

Enter the Void shows drug consumption and its effects as they are commonly used by most people, due to constant misinformation about almost everything. It shows Death as the Buddhists described it thousands of years ago. It shows the effects of severe trauma, isolation, lack of parental guidance as they very commonly effect real people, all the time. The film is called ENTER THE VOID. The cover of the film shows the strip club in the movie which reads "Money Sex Power" at the bottom. These the things people use to fill the void that they believe exists between them and everything else. The movie was literally an out of body journey INTO THE VOID. We examine the bittersweet moments, the grotesque, the morally and sexually confusing--all descriptions of things everybody lives with, in one way or another. And in the end, can we understand? Can we forgive and sympathize and let go before our time is up?

If you saw this movie and thought Gaspar Noe was trying to film an instructional manual on how to live and do drugs, then I'm sorry I think you're very very very very mistaken. It wasn't called INTO THE LIGHT. Maybe you should have read a little more about Gaspar Noe first.

As far as the 'magic tricks,' this is one of my favorite things about the film. It confuses your senses, makes you hypnotically look at something repellent somehow. We usually only casually watch horrible things in movies. In real life, we watch them hypnotically, unaware of processing things from the exterior perspective of a film goer. I think the movie had the effect it wanted to have on you, I just don't think you really understand it.

Anybody 'traumatized' by this movie from watching it on psychedelics can only blame themselves, not the film maker. That is the cold reality of drug use. I have been devastatingly traumatized by the negative psychoactive effects of hallucinogens, and not because I was watching a disturbing movie--because the person who took them with me had become completely psychotic to the point of violence. As you can imagine being alone in a house at night in such a state of mind and situation would be very traumatic. I don't blame him for my traumatic experience even if it probably would have been fine without him. I could have chosen not to take it if I wanted to, so it is my responsibility. I was not psychotic but the way he was acting made me literally think that he was possessed by the devil. I have never before or since had an even remotely similar amount of fear. I didn't even know what it was before then.

This is the effect these drugs can have on even the staunchest atheist and realist. My sense of reality has ever really gotten back to where it was before, though I was never sure where it was in the first place. This should be a warning to anyone considering trying these kind of drugs.

See, I'm not here propagating against psychedelics like you think Gaspar Noe is, I'm telling the truth about real life. Of course there are possible benefits from psychedelics, I'd consider the fact that this film was made to be one seeing as it was obviously influenced by them. If the film spurred memory of some traumatic memory of yours under the influence of psychedelics, it would have happened otherwise but to a much less devastating extent. If that is the case, I feel for you but let it serve as an example that you should look into a movie before turning it on when your brain is an ultra sensitive sponge.

As I said, it's called Into the VOID. Not into the light.


Yeah this movie is about a character, not intended to show the directors view on psychedelics, i agree with what you say about psychedelics, LSD, MDMA and psilocybin have helped me be a better person and understand some things more, but they can also be used by someone in a way that damages them. Viewing this as a sweeping statement on psychedelics and sex is idiotic. Sex can be ugly and traumatic or beautiful, it's supposed to be an ugly,dark film so the sex in this is ugly. You sound like you don't understand art.


are you talking to me?


Beautifully written. Thank you for encompassing exactly my experience of this movie so eloquently!


eff yes

This was one of the better things I have read in a while and I can identify greatly with your words.

Thank you for sharing and educating.


Thank you for capturing this so well


OP nails it. the film is simple propaganda disguised as a sensual rollercoaster.

It is plainly anti-drugs as Noe chooses to utilise a careless[-free], grubby hipster as the voice of the film's message... who propels the stereotype that drug users are careless people who have lost faith/have bad relations/need money. people who turn to drugs as a way out as opposed to personal enlightenment (as many ancient cultures used psychedelics for.)

everything down to the state of his apartment [cliche ridden mess] to his blase attitude ['hey i just got this book about about tibbetan buddism'] and to his poor decisions (1."i have a gun" when scrambling in the toilet cubicle 2. sleeping with his friends mum et al) all carefully adorn the film as subtle, artistic propaganda.

all of this even without mentioning the plain biases of the projected afterlife

note, i wrote this in the dark


try again when you know anything about Gaspar Noe


okay, so lets say you're right and he isn't anti-drugs.

If this is true then he is just a moron who struggles to convey subtext.


A person who is anti drugs doesn't devote so much time to drug use......not to mention this film IS exponentially more immersive while under the influence of a drug


There IS nothing to know about Gasper Noe ... He is a boring hipster who is over :)


But he's not over. He's still making films.


If this movie is so anti drug why is it so awesome to watch on drugs? The movie is not saying every psychedelic user is like Oscar. There are actually people who take drugs as a way out if they are living very hard or troubling lives. I believe that the concept of two souls being so truly connected that they can transcend the realms of life and death to be together is beautiful


PROPAGANDA? Propaganda is written is clear plain language, so the ignorant (MAJORITY) can see the message (refer to Nazi propaganda). The average person can watch this movie and have no idea what the message is. It is too complex, visually, for one to walk away with a message that is meant for everyone to walk away from the film with.
If this is propaganda, then it is the most useless propaganda I have ever seen.


I vehemently disagree with your stance on psychadelics being key in a sane society. I hope you don't have the same opinion of marijuana because here's my take on it. In a sane society, we are active, and connected, physically and emotionally to eachother. You can not achieve that on psychadelics and even though marijuana isn't for the sake of time I'm just going to classify it under the same thing, okay? We cannot help eachother and we cannot be the people we need when we're high in a room exploring the dimensions of our own mind or however you see it. What happens if this is inundated person get's an important phone call or there daughter comes home early, or something happens? What about all the times people have had terrible experiences on weed because no one is emotionally present and people say hurtful, fearful and stupid things, creating strange tensions. We are perfectly sane without drugs and to suggest such a thing is embarking on insanity if I say so myself. I've done some psychadelics, smoked weed for a while. And I know that they all disconnect you one way or another from other people. Our society may seem insane because we are part of a makeshift system that runs on providing for the self and no one else. I think psychadelics are just another bi-product of seflishness. When we should be finding hope and love in eachother we choose to receed into ourselves for our own experiences to come to what? Any sober person can come to the realization that unconditional love is the ultimate choice.

That's my stance. Maybe I'm a radical.

Also Christians don't think sex is disgusting, they just think pre-marital sex is a sin. So I don't know where you get that. I'm pretty sure everything besides sodomy is fine with Christians in a married relationship, fondling and other stuff like that. And people use to marry young anyways so its not that crazy either.


This post got it much closer.

And what is so wrong with fear? Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.


Why should anyone fear God?


Much respect to you for this post. Good vibration you have.
