MovieChat Forums > Enter the Void (2010) Discussion > question about sex scene in general

question about sex scene in general

in this film for instance they show the guy watching his mom getting boned from behind when he was kid .Obvioulsy you cant see and penetration but how do they get it so it looks like the girl is being penetrated ? it looks like the male actors pelvis is smacking up against the females ass cheeks because they are giggling .Does anyone know if his pelvis is really smacking against her backside or not ?

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


They use a cock sock and a mirkin, which essentially ties up the genitals of both actors. The rest is left up to lighting and angling to look penetrative.


are there bodies still touching each others?

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


His pelvis is probably really smacking against her backside. It might sound awkward (it probably is, there are videos on youtube where actors talk about how to get over that awkwardness), but the actors are professional and need to treat the scenes objectively.


His pelvis is probably really smacking against her backside

oh ok cool thanks i know they can use CGI for somethings but when the male actor is behind the female and her ass is jiggling they're making contact like in shadowboxer with stefen dorf poundin that hooker from behind he must of stuck his wang between her legs .I always thought that actors weren't or didnt make contact during love scenes like that .

words have power but when you use them in every sentence the power is weakened "


Good luck with the research paper :P
