MovieChat Forums > Nurse Jackie (2009) Discussion > 'You're good Jackie' - last scene - spo...

'You're good Jackie' - last scene - spoilers -

If you go back and watch Season 1, episode 1, Jackie quotes a Saint (Augustine?) As he prayed to God. "Please make me good God, but not yet." This is Jackie all the way.
She could not ever give up her vices.

And she had this great capacity to be good and just as great of capacity to be evil, as she mentioned her 10th grade nun spoke of...

As she is lying there clearly dying in the series finale, Zoey is saying "you're good Jackie" This is Jackie's release. She can be good for God now, since she is done with her earthly vices. In my opinion, Jackie most certainly dies.

And just common sense (plus Pulp Fiction) tells us that much less heroin than what Jackie took down would make someone OD.

This was her suicide. This is her most despicable move yet... she committed suicide because everyone was leaving her. But Fiona was expecting her at the confirmation, so my heart breaks.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. and I do think that she took enough to kill herself. But I believe in pulp fiction Mia snorted pure uncut heroin and what Jackie had was a bag that a junkie got on a street corner so it would take more to OD than it did for Mia.

But yes. for someone who has never done heroin to do a whole bag, she had to know it was going to kill her



I agree and it was heartbreaking. So sad the series ended. Any suggestions on other good shows?


Breaking bad
Better call saul
Bates motel
The shield
