Dear Americans...

British people do not pronounce the word twat like pot. It's twat as in cat.

Odd seeing as the American pronounced it like cat within a few seconds of Karl.

Also, whilst we're here. It's "mind your own business". Not "mind your business".

And it's "I couldn't care less". Not "I could care less".


And you are saying this because..?



The twat thing is something that just bugs me whenever I hear it pronounced like pot by an American. I get there are differences in languages etc but saying it that way kind of takes the edge of the word away. It's almost comical as it's generally trying to be used in an aggressive manner.

The other two are just venting.


nah , the third one is the worst by far, because it means the exact opposite of what they are trying to say.


Oh yeah, absolutely. They weren't ranked in offensiveness to me, just a "one more thing" type thing. It's so weird how prolific it is. Surely people type it or say it and think, "hang on a minute, that doesn't really convey my feelings on the matter".


RDH, Please explain to us where the F is in Lieutenant.



Btw, there's an h in herb ;)


And don't forget how if a word ends in R, the British drop the R sound (Never = Nevah), but if the word ends in a vowel, they add the R sound (Data = Dater). You guys are just as kooky as us.


I wish I could like comments on moviechat. Good one 😄


Uhhhhh, Karl Urban isn't from America. You're complaining to the wrong country.


Yeah. I know he's Kiwi which makes things even stranger as I'm sure they don't pronounce it like that.

My issue is that it's a US production so they're ultimately in charge. Their voice coach must be pretty crappy.

It was just a silly complaint silly. It just grinds my gears heh.


So did he sound Kiwi or British to you? They kept referring to him as "some British guy," and since the people doing it were usually ignorant in other ways, I wondered if it was a running gag, and maybe he was speaking naturally as a Kiwi and no one got it.


To me, he sounds mainly Kiwi, drifting in and out of British when he hams up the mockney type stuff. The "British guy" comments threw me too. But perhaps he is in fact supposed to be British. I've heard worse accents I suppose.




The character is British in the comics. I'm guessing Urban is trying a British accent but I haven't watched the show. The "british guy" comment someone else made confirms he should be British.
Fun fact, a character in the comic says he sounds like Michael Caine.


He's a kiwi saying evidently they pronounce it like that.


British people have dozens of dialects. British twats often bash British actors for bad British accents because you can't even recognize one another.


I'm not sure what you're getting at... I have never heard a British person pronounce it twot, regardless of dialect/accent.


The link I posted has 14 examples of Brits saying twat in different dialects, use the controls under the video. TLDR version is Urban isn't wrong.


1 out 14 says it twot. Hardly conclusive. Anyone near me that says it like Urban would have the piss taken out of them no question.


More than one, but one is enough. London alone has a number of accents.


America are pretty hopeless with pronouncing though look at them try and pronounce car models. saying NEEESON instead of N-is-on D-eyenasty or MARS-da instead of maz-da

and they are dyslectic with spelling like center instead of centre etc


Karl Urban isn't American you twats.


The Boys is an American show. They are ultimately in charge of dialogue etc. Urban's nationality is irrelevant.


Americans pronounce Mazda exactly how it's spelled. I have never met anyone call it a "mars-da".


Same here lmao


The funny thing about that is that the Japanese pronounce it matsuda; the only reason it's spelled Mazda, is that at the time the company started marketing is products in parts of the world that used the Roman alphabet, the Western country Japan was friendliest with and most influenced by was Germany, and in German orthography, the letter Z is always proununced like TS, not the English Z.

I'm not sure why the omitted the vowel between the Z and the D though, because it is there in Japanese (in Japanese, the only paired consonants are doubles of the same consonant; all others have a vowel sound in between).


I've never in my life heard anyone say MARS-da and you're wrong about Nissan:


not wrong at all it is Nisson like saying Pissing. do you say peeeesing instead do you??

I also love the Preeeeeesentation. they way Americas say that. are you going to get a preeeeesent for Xmas this year??

Or Dinnnasty or Di-nasty.

that is how you say nisson listen at the end saying it the CORRECT way.. not NE-SON the american way. I am sure they would not allow a comerical to go air that is said incorrectly


You must be fun at parties you proper kunt


lol. I feel sorry for you.


Okay RogueDickHunter


Does your mummy know you're on the Internet unsupervised?



Dear Englishter,



Dear Egyptians,

My McNuggets order had 2 fewer McNuggets than normal!
