MovieChat Forums > An American Carol (2008) Discussion > I can only speak for myself and my frien...

I can only speak for myself and my friends, but as Muslims...

We very much enjoyed this movie. Indeed, I had been looking forward to it, and was surprised when it didn't get a wider release in theaters. I cannot express enough that this movie made fun of TERRORISTS, not Muslims. And it was quite enjoyable. I highly reccomend it to people who might not otherwise be ideologically inclined to such films, because it will dispell the misconception some may have that conservative humor comes at the expense of offensiveness.

Many people might not know this, but with the exception of the last election, the vast majority of American Muslims (not counting Nation of Islam and other home-grown movements) generally vote and associate with Republicans. This predominately has to do with shared social conservative values. Alternatively, as anyone who saw Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama knows, there are over 3,500 or so of us actively serving in the military (might not seem like much, but the general population of Muslims living in the US is rather comparatively small itself), so in that respect we are also very pro-troops. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of us hate the terrorists for giving us a bad name, and it perhaps becomes more understandable why, rather than being offensive, many American Muslims would likely enjoy it.

First Gaddafi will build the United States of Africa. Then the Caliphate.


No one else said it yet, but thanks for this post.:)


Being pro troop doesn't mean pro republican. Democrats and anti-war people aren't anti troop. What about all those claims by rightwing bloggers that Obama was a secret Muslim and implying that that would make him a terrorist sympathizer. There are reasons why Muslims reversed their partisan preferences in last years election.


As Muslims ... what do you think is going to happen in Iran?


"Many people might not know this, but with the exception of the last election, the vast majority of American Muslims (not counting Nation of Islam and other home-grown movements) generally vote and associate with Republicans. This predominately has to do with shared social conservative values."

That's an awful lot of generalizations. What are your sources?

"Preliminary results of a survey by the American Muslim Task Force for Civil Rights and Elections suggest about 90 percent of Muslims voted for Obama, while only 2 percent chose John McCain. Preliminary Gallup polls reflect similar numbers."

While preliminary, preliminary numbers like that aren't going to do a massive swing in favor of what you're saying, and there's no way to measure your criteria of "not counting" some Muslim groups.


"Many people might not know this, but with the exception of the last election, the vast majority of American Muslims (not counting Nation of Islam and other home-grown movements) generally vote and associate with Republicans."

This makes no sense to me. If you hang around enough Republicans, eventually you'll find at least one who thinks one or more of the following...
- Muslims hate Christians and everything that Christianity stands for.
- Muslims want to destroy the United States and all its people.
- Muslims want to destroy Israel and all its people.
- Muslims in America should be rounded up and deported.
- Muslims in America should be rounded up and shot.

These views illustrate profound ignorance as well as intolerance of your people so it baffles me that you'd associate with a political party where these views are commonplace.

"Back off! He's with me."
- "Kiss my ass."
"Back off Warchild, seriously. Thank you."


No the people who believe this are Extremist Terrorists, Right Leaning folks are generally not intolerant. There is nothing wrong with the muslim faith. But Exremist Exploit it to their own ends.

Why do Liberals try to label Republicans as racists? Ooooh right to Exploit and gain the Minority votes.


Well said!

I was getting annoyed the other day when I found out people wanted to boycott Whole Foods because someone higher up (chief executive) criticized the proposed health care plan. People have gotten overly sensitive lately.

Meanwhile, with all of these attacks on conservatives, FOX News is seriously winning the Nielsen ratings - #1 in the prime time slot and beating #2 with almost (sometimes more than) twice the audience size. ...and FOX News doesn't air in as many markets as CNN or CNBC. CNN/Headline is in 4 million more homes than FOX.
