MovieChat Forums > An American Carol (2008) Discussion > Honestly, I don't get the hate.

Honestly, I don't get the hate.

I found this movie quite funny, and yes I did understand the politics. For some reason a lot of people think it's ripping up democrats. It rips upon republicans and democrats, but thats not the point. The point is trying to prove a point to Michael on how great and free America is. At the same time, having good truthful humor about the *beep* Michael Moore. I think people are taking this movie too seriously and some people here even think that this movie is anti-American which is odd to say. Anyways, maybe it's just me, but I found it funny. Alright, now you can give me your hate comments for having an opinion.


Yeah, you gops love America so much you're always fighting wars to secede from it.

Here's what really happened: David Zucker made like Roger Clemens and switched to the side that just happened to be winning at the time because he wanted to win. Like all new converts to something, he went full-blown zealot, bashing the opposition at every turn in order to prove to his new friends that he wasn't a Borat-class double agent just screwing with them for his own purposes. Since you gops simply can't leave anything alone, he targeted Moore even though the guy had at best a cult following beforehand, and this made Moore even more popular and made Zucker unemployable in the industry. Hope he invested his money with someone other than Bernie Madoff!


This movie made Moore "even more popular" eh?

You did see how badly his latest film bombed, right?


we talking about Capitalism: A Love Story?
Imdb shows it has already doubled AACs total gross in only 2 months, lol.

BlackJac is kinda right though. While AAC may not have technically made people suddenly ''like'' Moore, in the traditional sense, it did bring Moore back into the spotlight again and gave him a better profile for flogging his movie.
Have you caught it yet?


Yeah, you gops love America so much you're always fighting wars to secede from it.

Call whatever school you graduated from, send in that line you wrote as proof - and you'll get your refund back within the week.


Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order


Truth hurts, doesn't it, teabagger?


*****Deleted links to a youtube blogger, a cartoon offered up as 'evidence' to justify outlandish comments, and a middle school boys locker room attempt to insult using a sexual catchphrase*****

Nevermind on getting your money back.

I see now how you got your education.

Serving up wannabe political analyst/comedian Andy Cobbon (remember him from that famous 'democrats for romney' effort there) and a political cartoon shows that you are in serious denial over the whole "opinion vs fact" concept.

The giggly preteen insult attempt tells the rest of the story...


Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order


Your freedom-hating kind started the whole teabagging thing, not us:

Besides, I'm not some expert, I'm just a regular guy asking questions just like Glenn Beck does. Questions like "Why do you gops hate America?" and "Why are you gops so PC?" and "Why are you gops trying to make it illegal for non-gops to have an opinion?" and so forth. Perhaps if you were capable of loving and defending America, you'd understand.


LOL, you are funny. So a guy holding a handmade sign started something?

That's the best you can come up with?


RFLMAO at you.

You're a regular guy mistaking opinion, editorial, cartoons, bloggers, preteen humor, and the latest trendy 'cool' words as fact.

Nothing more.

The funniest is your assertion that Republicans are trying "to make it illegal for non-gops to have an opinion". Here's a real news source for you to look up about a government really making opinions illegal (and for you to actually have some experience with real news sources):

This is how a government cracks down on opinion and makes it illegal.

Your belief that your parroted repostings are not automatically taken as gospel by all is NOT government cracking down on opinion.

It's just some are not believing your toadying of the party line... now run along and go memorize some more 'truths' from those hardcore news sources you use like youtube, Bill Maher, and your next door neighbors' kids blog.


Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order


So either show us your flag pin and your birth certificate or get the *beep* out of my country.


Just as soon as you show me you can actually respond to what's been said to you in the first place without using others words and insults.

You do realize that even though you got your links from an alleged news source, you linked to opinion and editorial talk shows, right? Those pieces aren't news, they're viewpoints.

You really need to watch news and not entertainment venues for your information.

Until then? Eh, you bore me now. When you have something original and not someone else's thoughts to parrot around, let me know.

Toodles, comrade.


Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order

