MovieChat Forums > Bloodline (2011) Discussion > The discussion is simple! (the end)

The discussion is simple! (the end)

Simply put devout Christians and Catholics, and maybe even also the moderates, will hate this movie because it goes against their faith, and will probably therefore never ever change their closed-minds about it. End of debate.

Anyone else who has an open mind and sees the definite possibility that Jesus just was an (albeit, outstanding) man (as in non-supernatural with a human male nature) also sees the historical possibility of the marriage between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. And that's not even taking in the account of numerous historical documents that are pro the marriage of Christ (Gospel of Thomas, Judas and Mary Magdalene - the Gnostic Gospels etc.) that are all historically equal and equally legitimate to the Roman-favoured texts that ended up in the new testament, that decline that version of history.
Historical sociology even tells us that it would be very ill-seen-upon for a Jewish man not to be married by the time of his twenties, making it even more likely Jesus became married.

The Roman Church had to change this story because in their time of religious reformation towards Christianity, the other faiths had demi-gods that could otherwise compete with the new official faith. So besides of all kinds of symbolism being mixed into the practise of worship (symbolic eating of the flesh and blood, the sun-symbols of the halo, the astrological cross etc.) to ensure an easy societal-transformation, they also rewrote the gospels, making Jesus more God-like and Mary Magdalene a mere whore.

So there - it's a repetition of the tired debate "faith vs. logic" and as always the illogical religious people are really getting their panties in a twist over it.

But honestly, I think most thinking people don't even care at all - and why should they? That, on the other hand, would be worth discussing.

As I see it the ultimate question is whether you believe the big-bang (an unavoidable fact of science) was created by some sort of intelligence or simply happened on account of something that may be explained some day. All the religious texts are just lazy answers to big questions that have since been answered logically - and I believe this will also become the case with the big bang. Which way the coin will turn up remains the only valid question where the use of faith is acceptable.

But religion as a concept is sooo the middle-ages. Let's please get over it.

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The world is full of solipsists.
